Moon River

Eric Clapton

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 2023-05-12
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 5:15

Music Video


  • heartbreakingly beautiful!

    By Clarenceson
    two drifters out to see the world... so true, young neighbors in the UK who truly did go out and see the world and turn the world on with their amazing talent! RIP Jeff
  • Eric and Jeff

    By vanshipman
    This has to be one of the most touching things I’ve seen and heard in quite some time. The sudden loss of Jeff still has so many shook to the core. This video just speaks volumes on Eric’s love and respect for his friend Jeff. They were friendly rivals throught their careers, both respecting and admiring each other, but mainly two friends. It’s such a terrible loss with Jeff and no one will ever fill his shoes, but I’m so grateful to still have Eric still with us, and of course Jimmy. I’d love to see Eric and Jimmy do something together while they still can. God bless you Eric and thanks for releasing this. Long may you live Eric, love you brother. 🙏🎸 R.I.P. Jeff You we’re just the most amazing player and no one can do what you did. You will forever be missed. 🙏🎸
