This Has Gotta Stop

Eric Clapton

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 2021-08-27
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 4:10

Music Video


  • Great Song from Favorite Singer and Song Writer

    By JBMFighterPilot
    About time one of the musicians of my generation said what we're all feeling. No one is going to mandate an unproven vaccine to me or my family. Glad a musician finally had the nerve to write about our God given and individual rights. Enough political correctness with the Chinese Fauci Flu. Glad all his concerts in the USA are sold out. If I could get a ticket for Florida or nearby concert I would attend to hear his great music and thank him personally.
  • It is about time

    By sickofthesheeple
    Yup, this has got to stop. Good tune for suppressed times. I'm glad Clapton and Van Morrison have the testicular fortitude to express their opinions in their music. Now lets see if this is posted.
  • Brave

    By TerjeWE
    Thank you Eric, we will win! Fantastic song.
  • Sir Eric Stay Strong

    By sunblocksc
    What a GREAT song and GREAT graphics.. yes they are grey tone AND FOR A GOOD REASON!! I don’t care how much money/cars/mansions you may have, we all want “ complete freedom not just a “facsimile “.. You will be derided for your expressions of what’s happening, however, unless you say what you know and feel in your heart, you would be captive to “physiological slavery”.. that’s just what’s happening!! You’re the greatest guitarist and a great person for all the people you have “ encouraged “ by getting in the studio and making this. Hope to see you in Atlanta .. Dr. Colburn
