This Has Gotta Stop - Single - Eric Clapton

This Has Gotta Stop - Single

Eric Clapton

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 2021-08-27
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 1

  • ℗ 2021 EPC Enterprises, LLP. Under exclusive license to Surfdog Records


Title Artist Time
This Has Gotta Stop Eric Clapton 4:07


  • Stand up for your freedom

    By beadri7777
    This is amazing I love it thank you so much, wake up lions
  • Sad

    By zenithguy88
    What happened?
  • Good song but the problem stem from his past.

    By Ryan Steinbeck
    Love Eric, but his problems with the vaccine stem from his peripheral neuropathy which are likely in part due to years and years drug and alcohol abuse. It was not due to the vaccine alone.
  • Thank god people are starting to wake up.

    By Clayton2815
    Don’t really care about political songs, but people need to wake up.
  • Freedom isn’t free

    By JimmyDanDee
    Fight for your freedom! For all the morons who are calling Eric anti-American, you are the anti-American. He got the vaccine and it affected him horribly. I know many people who’ve had some pretty bad side effects. You can’t compare this “vaccine” to actual vaccines of the past because those weren’t rushed and those actually prevent the disease. We have no idea what the long term effects are. Do some research on the polio vaccine and how it gave some people the disease because of a mistake. Don’t be sheep. For the record I got the vaccine but I won’t be getting a booster.
  • What real musicians/artists used to do.

    By Murfie75
    Great song. Voice of the people, not the establishment idiots.
  • Time to retire bro

    By Nephew99
    Well this sounds terrible and the message is moronic. Turn off fox new boomer.
  • Thank you!

    By 5lilblessings
    Thank you for speaking out for our rights!
  • Clean, smooth, and chill.

    By iWannaPlay!!!
    The man just wants everyone to be independent and free. No hate here!
  • Great to hear Truth

    By horse sensr
    Always a great song writer. Now epic!
