By PearlyQ4
Wow! I am so thankful for classic rock musicians who are courageous in the face of public and political pressure...and produce music aligned with a righteous (but also unpopular) line of thinking. Our new anti-tyranny anthem! Thank you, Eric and Van!
Thank-you Eric Clapton and Van Morrison!!!
By music city citizen
Thank-you Eric Clapton and Van Morrison. Hey all you wise guys out there - Would you be interested to know that Eric Clapton has had extreme repercussions from taking one of the vaccines? Yes check it out on your computer. He can't even play the guitar at times. At other times he can't sleep. Now that's insanity personified. And he has to suffer the alienation of his family, including his children. Look it up. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
You Have Got To Be Kidding?
By Rancho Cucamonga Robert
A lousy song by two has-beens. Comparing taking health precautions in a time of crisis to slavery shows a willful ignorance of history and of the plight of the truly oppressed. How sad to see heroes devolve into crackpots.
Rock on!
By allisonats
Rock on Brother. Let freedom ring!
Stand and Deliver against the Left's hypocrisy
By Wildman115
As a boomer I can remember a time when rockers and artists in general were the "revolutionaries" railing against governmental tyranny and over-reach. Sadly, it seems most artists today are more concerned with pandering and fitting in with whatever the mean girls of the media and their political party's fear mongering, fascist mandates require them to kowtow to in obsequious lockstep. Thanks, Sir Eric and Van. This song is a breath of fresh air cutting through the fetid stench of tyranny.
By wlliambilleallace
Awesome song
By dirk bagg
A message we need now!
Well Done !!!
By kmac1623
This says it all. Well done gentlemen !
Long Overdue!
By Lyle Darby
A direct slap-in-the-face toward those who are eroding our freedoms and promoting population control. I’m a senior citizen and we don’t have anywhere NEAR the freedoms we used to have! Song well worth promoting. Mr. Clapton, you’re a genius!
By Musicforlistening
Eric Clapton and Van Morrison bring a unique perspective to this disussion, and that is listen to what they are saying!