Time Out - The Dave Brubeck Quartet

Time Out

The Dave Brubeck Quartet

  • Genre: Jazz
  • Release Date: 1959-12-14
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 7

  • ℗ Originally released 1959. All rights reserved by SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT


Title Artist Time
Blue Rondo À la Turk The Dave Brubeck Quartet 6:49
Strange Meadow Lark The Dave Brubeck Quartet 7:26
Take Five The Dave Brubeck Quartet 5:28
Three to Get Ready The Dave Brubeck Quartet 5:26
Kathy's Waltz The Dave Brubeck Quartet 4:51
Everybody's Jumpin' The Dave Brubeck Quartet 4:24
Pick Up Sticks The Dave Brubeck Quartet 4:19


  • iTunes review comes from a moron

    By CinnaCinnaCinna
    "Reductive overpraise"?? What the heck is the iTunes review talking about? Perhaps they should get someone competent to write these reviews instead of a rambling idiot.
  • The gold standard

    By Chuck Thegze
    one of the best albums of all time. And the artwork hung in Dave’s home.
  • Here Dave take five stars

    Pure Genius, I love it.
  • Classic

    By xjag
    Superbly diverse internationally linguisticalish.
  • One of the Best Albums EVER!

    By sinigang220
    A true masterpiece -- so good that it's still popular over 50 years after it was first released. I remember the day my father brought the record home, sometime in the early 60's. We both loved it! Dad's gone now, but the album and my memories of our both enjoying the record so much live on.
  • Time Out

    By AZ Centennial
    I first heard this album as a HS senior in 1962. Went to Brubeck concerts at college. Heard him in Greenwich Village. Time Out is timeless.
  • A must have for Jazz lovers

    By JHexeter
    This is one of the greatest albums in jazz. It is a classic; if you like jazz this is one that is a must have. I have had this for over 20 years. And I still listen to something on this album regularly. I have several of Brubeck's albums and this one is by far may favorite. Take Five is my favorite of this album; and one of my favorite jazz pieces of all.
  • Still a favorite

    By jazz-bo
    Still one of my favorite jazz albums, even though it's 40 some years old now.
  • should be on every music collection (not only jazz)

    By Frederick Buhr
    I was drawn to Brubeck as a Steely Dan and Donald Fagen adorateur. My father should have played this album non stop when I was 2 or 3 and that could have been a determining factor in my perfect recollection of every tune on this album. Unless this is such great compositions that your brain knows before your hears listen.
  • The Cover and the Music

    By Dhfalcon
    Jazz Pace stated that he remembered staring at the cover as a kid. I do too. My father and Neal Fujita (who painted the cover) collaborated on a ad agency when I was a kid, so I remember staring at the cover as well. I was lucky that my dad had a big jazz collection from when he worked at Columbia. This was one of the first albums that started my love of jazz. So much has been said about it. It's one of the top albums to listen to along with KOB by Miles and GS by Coltrane, not to mention many others. Hope you dig it.

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