An All Time Classic
By StarkEffect43
Not everybody likes DBQ, but I'm not one of them. Their erudite form of jazz appeals to me and many others. This album is a treasure. The album notes are small font and single spaced and cover the inside of the album. It's too bad you need the album to see them. My favorite cut is Castillan Drums featuring Joe Morello. The absolute best all-time drum solo either performed or imagined.
By dino bravo
One of the best sounding (recorded) and executed live jazz albums I've ever swings and floats like nobody's business. Morello is ace on the drums and propels the rhythm forward perfectly. Essential to any Brubeck collection or any jazz fan for that matter.
DBQ at its pinnacle
By jesster2
The main review above is not kidding. This album is most certainly the best live album from the "classic" Brubeck Quartet of Desmond, Wright and Morello. "St. Louis Blues," with Desmond's erudite offering coupled with Brubeck's bitonal explorations, plus forceful solos from Wright and Morello, herald two sets of swinging. "Take Five" and "Blue Rondo" were two-and-a-half years old to this band, and the comfort they exude with these tracks as well as the other rhythmic "experiments" make even "Eleven Four" seem relaxed, yet intense in its groove. It's also obvious that the band KNOWS it's going great, and are willing to push even further: note Brubeck's Monkish solo on "For All We Know," or Desmond's good-natured blowing on "Pennies From Heaven." And then there's Morello's impossibly brilliant solo on "Castillian Drums," exploiting all the timbres of his instruments while slowly working the hall into a frenzy of pop-music proportions. You will greatly enjoy this album.
The Greatest.
By Lil' Chubs
This is not only one of the greatest live albums of all time, it may be the best acoustic jazz album of all time. Get it. Brubeck and Desmond back and forth is as melodic as improv will get in my opinion.
By Fromunda
I would have to say this is my favorite live album ever recorded. The amazing improvised solos by Joe Morello, Paul Desmond, and, of course, Dave Brubeck, are just mind boggling. You have to wonder how they possibly produced such a masterpiece within two hours. A definite must-have for any serious jazz enthusiast. Simply incredible.