What’s It Gonna Take? - Van Morrison

What’s It Gonna Take?

Van Morrison

  • Genre: Blues
  • Release Date: 2022-05-20
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 15

  • ℗ 2022 Exile Music Limited


Title Artist Time
Dangerous Van Morrison 7:40
What's It Gonna Take? Van Morrison 3:22
Fighting Back is the New Norma Van Morrison 3:35
Fodder for the Masses Van Morrison 4:44
Can't Go On This Way Van Morrison 6:41
Sometimes It's Just Blah Blah Van Morrison 3:36
Money From America Van Morrison 7:35
Not Seeking Approval Van Morrison 6:30
Damage and Recovery Van Morrison 4:04
Nervous Breakdown Van Morrison 5:09
Absolutely Positively the Most Van Morrison 5:19
I Ain’t No Celebrity Van Morrison 4:41
Stage Name Van Morrison 4:28
Fear and Self-Loathing in Las Van Morrison 5:03
Pretending Van Morrison 6:47


  • Solid album regardless of ideological views

    By dominusluxnomore
    Dangerous especially good. I personably agree with the message but I generally think we can appreciate music for its quality regardless of the message. I love the Clash despite hating their politics. On the other hand, hating or loving music only for its ideological message isn’t really about music anymore.
  • Soul can’t be contained

    By Emleca
    Wow. All the reviews about denying science aged well. The masks have been proven a scam (as Fauci said himself and 40 years of evidence bore out) and the lockdowns were more harmful to hand helpful (again, just based on data) and then the coups de grad; the vaccines didn’t stop the spread. What did? Herd immunity. Van Morrison and Clapton had it right and so many pretentious Karen’s commenting on here got it wrong. Great album. Great man. He had the soul to write the truth and the courage to stand for it, when so many didn’t.
  • 👍🏼

    By Angiekim1126
    Thanks man!
  • Wake up

    By Swell Nelman
    This music is not for the Brandons or the Karens only for those who haven’t been too lazy to do a bit of research. Safe and Effective was a 100 Billion dollar campaign. We are in the pfizer test that doesn’t end until 2023. Lots of info out there for you but you won’t find on Twitter or google or Facebook, or any main stream media thanks to the Trusted News Initiative whereby most news orgs signed and were paid lots of money not to print say anything that would encourage vaccine hesitancy including all the doctors that have been silenced all over the world. Wake up idiots. Don’t criticize someone using his gift in music trying to wake you up. Of course you’re probably all fake bots anyway!
  • Sad

    By RFeury
    I used to love Van. I have at least 20 of his records I've seen him at least 10 times over the years But this? It's crap. It's angry, selfish old man crapo. I can say that because I'm 72.
  • Grumpy Irishman

    I've been around grumpy old Irishmen all of my life, so I am pretty used to them. They complain endlessly even about things they like. Van's opinion does not bother me; it is the constant repetition. I would say the same thing about an album that had 15 tracks, all with a variation of "I Love You, Lucille"---not just about love, but specifically "I Love You, Lucille" over and over for 15 tracks. Let's still complain on the next ten albums you make in the next seven years, Van, but vary things a little. Do a song about love and then a song about the weather and then a song about your pet dog before you whine about the government again. After "The Latest Record Project, Volume 1", I pretty much stopped listening to his lyrics and just concentrate on the music. The music is pure Van: jazzy, bluesy, somewhat folky at times. About half the tunes are good and half are very good. Not one of his best albums (they were all made before he was thirty-five), but comfortable as long as you don't let the lyrics gnaw on your nerves.
  • Wisdom with age

    By mQue
    Thank you Van for not caring what critics or naysayers have to say about your beliefs on where our world has gone today. If your views don’t align with todays politics or the fear of the ignorant than you are a conspiracist, bigot or offensive to their fragile uninformed brains of mush. You’re too long in the tooth to care about feelings over facts. Like Dr Robert Kennedy Jr (nephew of JFK), you shine light on darkness with your artistry. Thank you for your bravery and the love for your neighbor by stepping up and sharing truth no matter what negative reviews may bring. God bless you. In the end you will be shown the wiser.
  • Brilliant!!!

    By Burl1969
    Vans gift is incredible! A man who works tirelessly year after year. Works with the most incredible performers on the earth and stands up for what's right!! Bought a couple copies and telling everyone I know to get this Album!! Thank you Sir Van and I pray to be able to see you live in Oklahoma or a close venue one day soon!!!
  • A Voice For Common Sense

    By doorschick
    Excellent!!! Finally someone not afraid to say what many many of the people are thinking! Thank you Mr Morrison!!
  • Turn on, tune in, drop out…… by Fahrenheit 451

    By Chest Cutter
    It’s amazing how today just questioning authority is a crime. Where have we gone. Sir Van Morrison is more in tune with reality now at age 76 than ever. He rhythmically gets us thinking. How bad can that be. What’s it gonna take for you to wake up?

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