gold standard
By rebelaxe
excellent start to finish
By rockstarnimborock
Thank you Van Morrison, along with composers.
Incredible album
By Franklin Ave Posse '93
Stranded is one of the greatest songs ever written imo. Don't love Keep Mediocrity at Bay, but the rest of the album is incredible song after incredible song. If you are a fan of r&b, jazz, modern folk, blues, classic rock you will love his album. It's been out almost 12 years and I still listen to it regularly.
Maybe his best...ever
By Biggin 59
This was the very first Van Morrison LP I ever bought and I'min my fifties. A huge Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin and other rock and roll fan I was traveling from LA to Frisco and this station played a song from this LP (Celtic New Year) Well I didn't know who it was...then the radio DJ said it was Van Morrison's new LP...well I had heard of Van's Brown eyed and moon dance and his other hits but always figured him a heavier Barry Manilow...Boy was I wrong.
I bought this CD and listned to it over and over and fell more inlove with it. I then went to the record store (They had those once) and bought every single CD of his I could buy...why wasn't this stuff on the radio?...Are you kidding me?!!! But back to magic time...
It starts off with stranded a soft jazzy kind of blues song. His vocals are perfect and the soft precussion and great piano are also perfect. The the song I heard on the Celtic New Year...Oh my...what a perfect romantic love song...the right strings but this isn't over sappy at all...The rest of the LP is a mixture of Jazzy Blues and out right jazz (The good kind) I think it is the best CD in the last 20 years!! It is perfect...
The rest of his stuff it took me several weeks to hear but this guy is a great and I don't meen good but great song of the best I've ever heard. Van Morrison is as good as anyone. So If you were like me and not paying attention I'm telling you right now, do yourself a favor and get this CD....get a glass of Wine or whatever beverage you prefer...start a fire in your fire place or just get comfortable and let the music take you on a journey. Then you will know why this CD is called Magic Time...because that is exactly what it is....Magic!!!