Great Blues Rock
By Keyboard-Gym
Love playing this album for parties outdoors
Blue on black
By Jessielpc
I’ve been listening to KWS band since I was 10!! Love them
By Alana🌝
One of the best!!!
By scottj9
Great album and KWS is an incredible guitarist! Blue on Black is most popular but you can listen to the whole album and love it all. That goes for all his other music. My only complaint is that Shepherd doesn't have more music out there. I have been a fan since the 90's. Always leaves me wanting more.
hell yes
By q drummer
so young so good
absolute perfection
By acushia
rarely am I at a loss for words ... Until now. the whole album is fab but Blue on Black!!!! I'm still looking for the ring/call tone. Probably could make it of course but Mr.S you deserve every penny that comes your way. Love your talent you've got me hooked. (and I've never said that before or written a review)
By nad97
what idiot writes the album review saying he suffers from a lack of an original voice it is original and kws is a great band
Blue on Black
By Demolican
This music is evidence that the old blues & Classical rock and roll guitar compositions are not dead-BUT- alive and well. Good Job Mr. Sheppard.
LOVE this!!!
By Lil' Miss Chatterbox
I absolutely LOVE this album!!! I really don't know how I lived without it. If you don't buy this album you're missing out on possibly the best country/blues/rock artist of the century!!!
By jasonlovesjade
I've been listening to this album for years, and everytime I hear it I can't help but fall in love with it all over again. Talent isn't even the word. The entire album is fantastic.