The Place You're In - Kenny Wayne Shepherd

The Place You're In

Kenny Wayne Shepherd

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 2004-10-05
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 11

  • ℗ 2004 Warner Records Inc.


Title Artist Time
Alive Kenny Wayne Shepherd 3:44
Be Mine Kenny Wayne Shepherd 4:08
Spank Kid Rock & Kenny Wayne Shepherd 3:01
Let Go Kenny Wayne Shepherd 5:02
Ain't Selling Out Kenny Wayne Shepherd 3:14
Believe Noah Hunt & Kenny Wayne Shepherd 3:57
The Place You're In Kenny Wayne Shepherd 3:22
Hey, What Do You Say Kenny Wayne Shepherd 5:01
Get It Together Kenny Wayne Shepherd 3:46
Burdens Noah Hunt & Kenny Wayne Shepherd 3:39
A Little Bit More Kenny Wayne Shepherd 3:04


  • The Place You

    By Caseohpea
    I miss Noah(what a great pair they were), Kenny's vocals just aren't strong enough to stand up to his awesome guitar work. I say do what you are best at and that is obvious, leave the singing to Noah. Although,I am a bit let down with this album, what happened to the Stevie Ray Vaughn like riffs and once again bring back Noah. The old Kenny is definitely my favorite along with the Live In Chicago! If anyone really digs the blues, buy it now!!!-really -it is the real thing. That is my hometown and I do miss it, along with the real blues. Bring back Stevie and Noah!
  • Bring Back Noah

    By Hugh London
    Noah Hunt needs to retake his position at the wheel as lead singer for all songs. This album didn't have the magic w/ Kenny doing rock and vocals.

    By plunkbrotha
  • What rock SHOULD be

    By Joshbealemusic
    I fully understand the complaint that this album was a major departure from his blues roots. And I know everyone wanted him to be SRV reincarnated. However, that aside, as a rock/blues album (judging it for what it is), it's absolutely stellar! Kenny could just as easily have continued to bank on his other achievements and stay in a musical niche market; but instead, he chooses with this album to explore the sonic space around him - something every truly great artist or band has done at one time or another. Personal favorites are "Be Mine" and the ending jam "A Little Bit More".

    By odiekrul
    I LOVE this c.d. Kenny Wayne Shepherd outdid himself with this on. My favorite song on the cd is Hey what do you say? I have listened to it about a few dozen times in the week since i downloaded it.
  • 10 Steps Back

    By Bluesjammer
    Now I am a HUGE Kenny Wayne Shepherd Fan. When I heard this album I was very disappointed. What had happened to the old Kenny? The Stevie Ray, blues Kenny. He had really had me believing for blues music until this. He let the music scene get to him. Although I hope this was just like a one year phase, as when he came out with 10 days out, that was probably the best guitar playing I've heard in a long time. Stick with your roots Kenny.
  • 'Ain't Selling Out'?!?

    By jdrobbi
    This release is a complete sell-out! What the @#$%? Kenny could be one of the greatest blues guitarist of our time. Instead he wasted his talent on crap like this!
  • disappointed

    By alohalani
    If you were a fan of his earlier work, this will not live up to it. His earlier stuff reminded me of Stevie Ray Vaughn. He has become more main stream now, joining the ranks of the "gee, we all sound alike" group. What a shame that such a talented guy had to blend in with everyone else. Go back to your roots and what made you great.
  • Sounds Like.....?????

    By DonnaFL
    Sexy and Hot... YES! But is it me, or has nobody noticed the distinct similarities of his songs, compared to other artists??? I mean, I know his name is Kenny, but you would think his name was "Lenny".... Still enjoyed the tunes, though!
  • The Place You're In

    By kristaannie16
    Kenny Wayne rules, but as far as I know this is the first time he is singing on this album. Some other dude sang on the others, he has a more bluesy voice. However, I like these songs, I have to just get used to a different voice singing them.

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