Nearly Complete
By Razorback9926
Frank’s V-Discs were recorded for our troops fighting in WWII. There is a complete set out there, of three (not two, not twelve) V-Discs.
The two discs here represent 70% of his V-Disc recordings. They are notable because in 1943 there was a recording ban from the musicians’ union, but these were an exception made to help keep our troops’ morale up.
Frank has a 12-disc set of complete Columbia recordings, but none of these V-Disc recordings are on it.
Hope this helps clear things up for people trying to figure this out, it is confusing.
Sounds Great! But Don't Think It's Complete
By Cobeeze
The review here talks about a collection of twelve discs, comprising Sinatra's career with Columbia records. Yet, only two discs containing 53 tracks are represented here. Granted, the price is right, but if it is incomplete, ITunes should inform it's buyers.
By AustinH16
It has the old school sound, which I love. The poping, is the best. Absolutley love it!