By fuzionfannatic
Heavy weather may have been Weather Report's most commercially successful album, but this one Black Market beats that one all to hell.
Jaco Pastorius must have been one funky dude because his bass playing on this recording is over the top! You cannot help but move to the groove laid down by the funkiest jazz fusion band around.
RIP Weather Report....you put a smile on my dial!!
By RelaxedMike
What can be said? Weather Report broke ground in comtemporary Jazz. Zawinul and Co. took music concepts from all over the world, Fused them with some Jazz and Groove and out came something different..that was always..on time!! This is but one of the Weather Report classics that will live and play on in time. What an album. What a CD!!
Rest in peace, Joe Zawinul.
By Rob Sands
The music in heaven just got a bit sweeter. What an imprint Joe Zawinul left in his life. I remember the first time I "got" what was going on with the Weather Report album, Black Market. At first I didn't understand it, almost dismissed it and then there was this one time a short while later when I'm giving it another chance and BAM - I got it. It was an OMG moment. Like an epiphany. I heard the brilliance. And then I started "getting" alot of other stuff. So influencial a keyboard player. Such monster chops. So different than others. Going to miss him on the planet. This is as important an album as any and should be required listening to all those who love the fussion of jazz and world music.