Anything By Weather Report is just superfine.
By ImaginaryLover
I accidentally discovered Weather Report vinyl while looking for Thirties' jazz, and have never for one moment regretted my diversion to this wonderful jazz/fusion group. I cannot recommend them too highly; certainly every current jazz musician has to acknowledge their contribution to the modern jazz music scene, and to all the new players. This compilation does indeed duplicate Weather Report music I already have, but I have nevertheless gotten the sides for gifts to newcomers to jazz. I highly recommend this collection, just to have the faves all in one place.
Selection review
By bassplayer9000
The two star rating is not indicating the quality of any song. Being a die hard Weather Report fan would be impossible for me to do that to any of these songs. I just feel that the selection of this CD is lacking. Three cuts are from the same album (Heavy Weather) and the selection doesn't go past Mr. Gone. Also, it is important to note that none of these tracks come from either of their live performance albums. The band released 16 albums in total and trying to cover that in 9 tracks from a third of their albums doesn't give a well rounded feel of them. I highly recomend buying the individual albums rather than this less than stellar collection as it gives the listener the joy of hearing the band evolve from one album to the next rather than the haphazzard order given here.
This is Jazz, Vol. 10
By ourdukes4ev
Yes, I also highly recommend this album if you would like to go ahead and get your iPod set up with some of the best and most listenable Weather Report tunes out there. My favorites on this album are Birdland, Man In the Green Shirt, Young and Fine, Orange Lady and Teen Town. And Mysterious Traveller. I actually like all of the tracks on this album but those are my favorites.
By dandy231