Horrible 80’s music
By hdfxst
Who could like this? It’s everything that typifies the over produced, cheesy synthesized garbage that sounds like a horrible soundtrack to a lame 80’s movie.
People get ready
By livluvmusic
One of the best guitar and vocals recorded.
Still it is Jeff Beck!
By JBrens
This is probably one of his weakest efforts due to the poor vocals, except for Rod Stewart on People Get Ready. Some of the songs are really over produced as well. Still it has great guitar playing and it is well worth listening to. We are talking about one of the greatest guitar players ever here.
Jimmy Hall - not like we usually hear
By Beale Gibson
Decent record. Hall does his stuff. Jeff Beck? Neither one of these guys can make a sour sound. Beale Gibson told Gregg Allman that there ain't no act harder to follow than Jimmie Hall.
Energy jumps out of this performance...
By mozollini
The inspiration for Jeff Beck was there. In the hands of producer, rhythm guitarist, Nile Rodgers, Jeff comes off sounding very at home. Nile's very tight, controlled sound is unlike anyone and Beck is a master of the controlled sudden burst of guitar notes that attack and disappear, leaving you wanting more... I have loved this album for 20 plus years.
Better Singer?
By zito5150
Opinions mean very little, facts seem to elude some......
Jimmy Hall was nominated for Best Male Vocalist Grammy for this album.
Rod Stewart was not.
They could get a better singer?
Are you kidding me?
better the third time around
By snoopy133704
I bought this the first time for the songs with Rod and Jimmy Hall . I checked this out again on i-tunes and it has aged prettty well. I forgot how good Ambitious and Gets us all in the end as well you know, we know and the rest. As for a song I want played when I leave this earth it is Jeff's Amazing Grace on his live at BB King's official bootleg as well as the A Day In The life version on that same recording...... got it from Jeff's website. Cheers! Jon.
Flash by Jeff Beck
By Dolson1
While this may not be loaded with hits, this album showcases some great guitar work. When I die I want this version of People Get Ready to be played. Rod Stewart has never been better and Jeff's guitar work is emotionally uplifting.
overproduced, great singer
By detroiter530
This albums only problem was it was released in 85', when everything sounded like the soundtrack to Beverly Hills Cop. It was like a big contest to overproduce, crazy. As for the singer Jimmy Hall is probably in the top of the ones that got away, this guys one of the best rock singers ever. I know Jeffs said that, I say it and to this day seeing Jimmy Hall live is a religious experience. This guys pipes are unbelievable, please don't die before seeing Jimmy play live.
A better singer? C'mon!
By ken_carpenter
"They could have found a better singer."
Are you kidding me? Would you have preferred Donny Osmond, or Parker Stevenson? (Reference to classic "Ambitious" video.)
Jimmy Hall -- of Wet Willie fame -- is the singer. He has one of the best blues-rock voices out there!