This Album Rocks!
By 1980s Man
This Album is one of the Classics because it has awesome songs like Crazy Train🤘
I don’t know
By TheJaxGuy
Why this is so good
doesn't dissapoint
By crankit 66
Randy dropped little gems all over his live playing. Adding double stops and harmonics and extra tidbits...all very rewarding for the listener. the studio stuff is what we all have heard for decades...but still is just as impactful.
Ozzy thought of everything
By Skulltimatim
This album was the best
Eh I give it one star
By Supreme4k12
I’m a Christian and Ozzie’s music is gross because of his obsession with being the Devils Advocate. Two songs are the exception. The first being Mama, I’m Coming Home. This song puts me in tears. That’s all I have to say about that. And then we have crazy train. One of the best songs of the 80s by far. The guitar behind it is incredible. I can’t stop air playing the riff in the middle. I am learning the electric guitar to be able to play it, but as you can tell it’s gonna take some time. Lol
You Said It All
By The Big Chicken
I’ve waited for that song to make it to iTunes since the moment Ozzy’s catalogue was added. Better late than never.
Flawless !
I love this album , anything extra is gravy !
"You Said it All," nothing else new
By MusicManiac76
There is nothing new here whatsoever. With the exception of, "You Said it All," the 6 live tracks here were part of the second disc of the "Diary of a Madman" Legacy Edition, which is still widely available on CD, but no longer on iTunes, and contains 5 more tracks. It is also available on vinyl, as it was an RSD release entitled, "Ozzy Live." Your best bet is to locate either the CD or vinyl of the entire performance. As for, "You Said it All," this is the first time it is available digitally to my knowledge, although it has been on numerous bootleg CDs and a couple of official vinyl releases, most recently the massive Ozzy vinyl box set released in 2019. All of that said, if you do not own Blizzard and would like to, this is definitely a good set to buy.
By FLZane
The issue I have with this
By Definitelyarocker
I am a die hard Ozzy Osbourne fan, but knowing that there are a lot of rare tracks, working demos and rough cuts out there that former bassist Bob Daisley has that are not included really is quite annoying. Give Daisley a fair deal guys and give the fans a real anniversary release. But the sound is great.