Sorry, no.
By KOUS300
I simply did not care for it.
Great album
By brady r creasy
Whoever said his singing is atrocious on this is quite on one
Love it, pure perfection.
Solid Sabbath Album
By SwedishFishYummm
Even though some of the songs are kind of rehashed (I.e. End of the beginning-black sabbath, Loner-N.I.B. and Zeitgeist-Planet Caravan), I think they’re great songs. It’s a modern take on the classics you love. Plus the new songs are great too. My favorites are God is dead? and Age of Reason. Overall a good buy.
Vintage sabbath
By Sk891
I like the old stuff plus this
By Death Doom & Thrash Metal Head
Ozzy's singing is absolutely atrocious on this. THe music is good but his singing is so awful I can only give this 2 stars. People blinded by Ozzy's contributions to metal and who find his post-1990 solo work will love this atrocity because they're too lazy to go discover newer bands.
Not going to be ranked in with the classics
By Scott N Amber
While you can sense they came ready with some creativity and focus. They almost tried too hard to be relevant and borrowed too much of the current production styles from other groups. Any time a band that is the originator of a sound, starts copying the band that copied them... The cycle is pretty much done. It all very over digitized, going for that "on purpose" cut and paste, edited sound... with every single sound being distorted for no reason. Its works on a couple songs. But whats missing is Sabbaths great sense of melody, that always went hand in hand with those crushing and genius riffs. In fact it has such an overly cut and pasted sound, that there is no feel of a band playing music together. For younger listeners, that will be fine... they rarely understand the band dynamic anyway. But for a lifelong fan... its a bit contrived and pretentious sounding. It has a couple highlights... but unfortunately wont be ranked along with the rest of their catalog. In time, I doubt anyone but the completists, will own it.
Ozzy rules
By Roth Baby!
Love this album!!