Why the hate though?!
By Spider-manlover2
Why are so many people hating I think it’s just sad people cuz kidz bop is so fire 🔥 and so much good singing voices too, kidz bop, dont listen too the haters, you guys rock.
Come up with your own songs
By Lemon lime juice
Come up with your own songs next time
So I like your song but you 💛 copy a song, but why?
By avasjupina
Hello my name is Ava
By Ryaa my name
Bro just shut up
By Obliged onion
It’s not that serious their just kids at least they don’t hide behind there’s phones and try to talk about people and they actually do something concerning to their life
You Ruined my fav songs and childhood fav song!
By rainbowss 🌈🌈
You ruined good songs with 4yr olds voice and my fav song when I was younger which was happier! I had enough! Im done!
I love you guys 🥰
By Audrey 🎶
Rotten eggs are haters and hearts are lovers. Come on guys. Let’s just love Kidz Bop. I’m sorry about you Kidz Bop.
By Big black484
Kidz bop fan one
By Sophia,so, soph
Kidz Bop fan one I love what you said anytime I hear it and makes me smile. That’s what I do. It just reminds me of my grandpa when he passed. thinking people need to stop writing that review like Kidz Bop one said, I’ve been thinking you if you don’t like kids BOOP kids then don’t listen to it. That’s their opinion your opinion is you don’t like it. I don’t like it when people cuss. I’m at my house watching my dogs looking at the review like I said earlier my paragraph if you don’t like it, don’t listen to it but if you do you can Bible says it’s bad to cuss. I’ve been at my daycare place the Lord stay with me, but one thing I do recognize about this is that people don’t like it people don’t like KIDZ BOP Kids people don’t like anything I don’t care what you think but I think it’s fine.
By Conleywashere
Please your hurting all of us
Just listen to the original song not some kids singing cover singing it