Sorry but
By ZoDawgh
Do they have permission from the artist? I don’t like there voice, they need to be more careful with their harmonies because there are none! 😓. Some artist probably don't allow this for example : Taylor swift, she only let just dance do one song in 2022 and kids bop should have the same. Me! By Taylor swift is a perfect example of a song for kids to remind them what makes them me! Kids bop still have to make it " better for kids". WHAT!!!??!? Leave artist allow, make your own music and it will probably make you more money? And also is there anywhere that says cover? No! If the artist let's you then ok! Do your thing but not? NOPE! THEY WOULD SAY NO! sorry if this is long😭
Great beyond all get out
By rahhjohn
“Greatest hits” is the most accurate album title I can think of for this because most of these songs are my all time favorites. The kids versions are just as good as the originals in my opinion and these kids are crazy talented. They remind me of my blissful childhood when my classmates and I would sing these songs together in elementary school. The children’s voices also give these songs more innocent vibes than the originals, especially the songs whose sketchy lyrics were replaced with less explicit lyrics! The instrumentals might be blasé, but they’re still catchy in their own way!
By Huge aphmau fan
What happened bro…
By Bp23321214
I listened for less than 1 second and fell asleep get a different job
Up down / dance monkey
By hippupoitmass
I love that you are so ins-ink 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
By Ryrygoose3
Honestly I don’t think kidz bop had permission to release these songs. They copyrighted them.
Who doesn’t like Kidz Bop?
By 🥰😘❤️💕
Wow, so great. How do you even make the background sound in it? It’s the best I wish I could be like you.😍🥰😇🤩🥳you’re so great at the things you do didn’t take a lot of practice
lol you’re ok but idk why you did this
By I won’t reveal.
Ok wow my kids shall love this but THE VOICE?!?! I don’t really think the adults in my family will like this/ perhaps why are kids even making music for schools and on iTunes? No way I’m gonna buy this ;( They totally ruined and screwed up the fox this is honestly not the best of these kids
My dream husband
By 13/13/2025
I have a big crush on somebody I don’t know his name but I think Mikey and I think you’re my dream husband💋💋💋💋💋💋💋🥂🥂🥂🍻🍻🍻🥂🍻🥂🍻🥂🍻🥂🥂🍻🥂🥂🍻🥂🍻🥂🍻🥂🍻🥂🍻🥂🍻🥂🍻🥂🥤🍷🥤🍼🍨🍤
By Audrey 🎶
It’s so goodddddddddddd I know you don’t know what I’m saying😂😂😂🥰