
Miranda Lambert

  • Genre: Country
  • Release Date: 2016-09-08
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 3:49

Music Video


  • Put back together again

    By SoCalGrits
    The black car crashes (her life)..she makes it through the heartbreak...the back car(her life) is put back together again and she rides off into her new life. I love it.
  • Eh

    By Jfslhfs
    Decent video but I feel like the song had so much potential for an AMAZING video. It's not that this was bad, but I think it could have been better
  • Worst Song I've Ever Heard

    By BrodyโœŒ๏ธ
  • Vice

    By Rock on ๐ŸŽธ
    She's the Sweetest Gal in Country Music.Love You Miranda ๐Ÿ˜˜
  • Retired

    By Deloy's sister
    Heartbreakingly beautiful song and video. Miranda is a survivor and has come through this sounding and looking better than ever. Blake was and still is a fool for hooking up with a has-been, no talent home wrecker! He has aged 20 years in the last year. So proud of Miranda to face her heartbreak quietly and with class.
  • LOVE!!

    By hleah
    Love that yall left ot up to interpretation so everyone could see their own story. Really like the symbolism from emerging from the wreckage, 2 crosses, chaos paper, black bird, TX markers, etc. Just really stunning and thought provoking. Every watch brings new incite to the video. ALso helps that the song is just excellent.
  • Leather Jacket!

    By Puglover5
    Love this video but who else besides me wants to go pick up that dang jacket in the middle of the street?

Videos from this artist
