Love This One
By Mikes13
If you really like folk/bluegrass/old timey music and enjoyed Jerry Garcia, you may find that you like this album. I know what you're talking about with Appetizer, No. 2. But the first guitarist playing (at least the one featured on the sample given here) is Tony Rice -- that dude can pick. And much like Jerry, he had a tone all his own.
By very old Scott
Not the best work of any of the three, but it is an interesting listen to some real pro's jamming. I find late Dead recordings unbearable, although this is a somewhat better, it is still sad to hear Jerry in such a state. He was once the most promising figure in all of rock, but he was literally eaten alive by the Grateful Dead, the dead heads and herion. It is a shame thaat this meeting didn't happen 20 years earlier.
the distilled nectar of American Roots Music
By waltyb
... is exactly what "the Pizza Tapes" is. The 'appetizers' are a nice way to let us in on how much fun it was to record this music, too.
One of The Best
By TCLounge
It doesn't get much better than this; Jerry laughing, noodling, playing favorite tunes amongst freinds. The version of "Knockin On Heavens Door" is spectacular. Somber, soulful and spiritual and unlike any version sung prior that you can almost feel as if Jerry was singing it about himself. Made me cry the first time I heard it. This is a must have album.
Best cd Jerry ever made!
By The Dude.
When I first listened to this cd, I cried because I know I will never hear anything this beautiful by Jerry Garcia again. R.I.P Jerry Garcia 1942-1995. We Miss You.
Garcia at his best (and happiest)
By D-Designs
Musicians usually play their best when they are the most comfortable as well as happy. And for Garcia during the last years, that place was in the informal sessions with David Grisman. Some of Jerry's best playing was recorded with David Grisman. So listening to "The Pizza Tapes" puts a big smile on my face because you can hear the happiness in Jerry's voice. For all of the rough moments he had been going through on and off tour, he had a little oasis of musical comfort at Grisman's home studio. This recording is like a gift to us fans as well as a historical document. This is pure- not perfect, not without flaws, but pure.
As I wrote previously- I, as a fan, feel good knowing Jerry was enjoying his music in his final years. "The Pizza Tapes" recording is proof that these guys loved playing together. It went beyond record labels, concert tours, or social politics. And because of that the music that comes out of that relationship can only be something special. So enjoy!
5.5 stars for brilliance...
By PeaceTrain
Garcia and Grisman at thier best here on the pizza tapes. the appitizers are gripping little flavors of what these guys can do. I still get chills every time i hear the second appitizer, and it's just garcia messin' around! with no further adu ladies and gentlemen, buy this album, steal it, do whatever you can to get a hold of it, because it is incrediblely well done and completely laid back while driving you through the entire recording. amazingly well done.
Welcome to Myth
By OB Jetty
Anybody familiar with the Inklings (an informal group at Oxford in the '30s & 40s with C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien that met in a pub to read works-in-progress aloud) will understand what Tony, Jerry & David were doing in David's Marin County home (basement) recording studio. Like the Inklings' pub readings, these tracks are musical myth and legend-lands seen, heard & felt-in-the-heart as they're being created. Comforting familiarity mixed with newness & wonder; a place where fantasy elf-lands meet real wood, metal strings, and years of running scales in laughing, effortless, authentic expression. Glimpse an open seam in the curtain between our everydays and the myth-music we've always known. An essential download!
Like your in the basement with them
By ewlynch
This is a great compilation of songs done by this trio. Gives off a very layed back atmosphere that these three take and they make you feel that they are right beside you playing while you listen. In all, great covers, great songs, great album
Pizza Boys Love
By Franko
The Pizza tapes with musicians Garcia, Grisman, and Rice is an eccential for anyone in the pizza industry. I listen to this tape in my car wile delivering pizzas. It just makes me hungry thinking about it. This CD is wonderfully mastered and is probably the last artistary of Jerry Garcia. Garcia was the master guitarist of his generation and proves it in this delectible peice.