Old Style Rock and Roll
By photoman4
I hear people in the 45years old and up saying "There's Nothing Good To Buy Anymore. Rock isn't what it used to be." Take a listen to this one. Peter and Mick Jagger belting out an Alternate country song "Nothing But the Wheel. this is just one of many tunes that will have you playing over again.
LOVE STINKS, Yeah, Yeah.... this disc stinks not!!
By flying_burrito_daddy
I saw J.Geils Band on their Freeze Frame Tour in Dallas and they really rocked the house. Super High Energy front man is Peter Wolf.
I guess to me he was out of sight, out of mind until I heard "Nothing but the Wheel" with Mick Jagger on satellite raadio in 2002. I bought the cd, and very happy i did. Great songs, great musicians, great singing, It Rocks!! "A Lot of Good Ones Gone" is probably my favorite here.
Underrated is what some on here claim. I think it is just flat out UNKNOWN to most rock fans. But underrated??? Nope... It was voted by musicans in 2003 as a "Rolling Stone Top 500 Album". Certainly one of the least known albums on the list. Thank You Peter Wolf!
Sleepless is one of the greatest albums ever
By Gatorbuc7
Seriously, read these reviews. This album is a masterpiece. Wish I had discovered it even earlier. Thanks Peter.
Hidden treasure
By pwchi
Similar to much of the music put out by The J Geils Band that Wolf fronted for so many years, this is a great effort that has largely gone unnoticed. Wolf is a student of music and his influences are all over this and his other recordings. Check out his new release as well...Midnight Souvenirs, his best solo yet. Can't wait to see him on tour this May!
While you're at it, go to Facebook, search for and join the group: Put The J Geils Band into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!
By waverly pa
Bought this album and Midnight Souvenirs at same time after reading article about Peter Wolf in WSJ. Absolutely LOVE both...don't know which I like better but its all I've listened to for the past 4 days. AWESOME!!! Buy both...you will not be disappointed, not matter what type of music you favor (but if you love R&B, you'll be ecstatic...) Thanks Peter!!!
Great music
By 80Jones
So this is my first review. I have heard the recent buzz about Peter Wolf and thought maybe it was time for me to get my head out of the sand and check his work out.
This is a phenomena record. Smart songwriting. Great musicianship. A thoughtful, groovy record that can boogie. Enjoy.
Litghts out by peter wolf
By you are in my system
The Best song by Peter Wolf is Ligts out you have to get that song its really a great song.
This is a great work!
By Self Proclaimed J. Geils Groupee
I seriously miss my J. Geils band and love Peter Wolf. This is, in my opinion, the best of his single efforts. You know how you have one "go to" disk in your collection that makes you smile and do a little "movin' about"? This is one of those disks for me. Love the collaboration between him and Mick Jagger - they should do more, they blend so well together and they even make it sound like they were having a blast doing it. The cover of "Homework" supercedes the effort by the entire band - love this rendition. If you were a Geils fan and love their sound - you can't go wrong with this one.
An undiscovered soul classic
By mhotovy
If my math is correct, this is Wolf's sixth solo collection since his J. Geils days. And what a progression of an artist's growth! His previous effort "Fool's Parade," a fabulous collection in and of itself, was apparently just a warm-up to this masterpiece. This is a "soul" album in the old school tradition - songs of genuine heartfelt emotion played and sung with a maturity and reserve of an artist who has grown up with and lived this music. Sadly, this music has gone unnoticed, but if you're looking to take a chance, do it. Listen for contributions from Jagger and Richards along with former J. Geils harpman Magic Dick. Also, if you're in for real treat, try to dig up Wolf's older CD "Up To No Good" recorded with all Memphis area musicians.....
Under rated
By mkeller088
Why didn't this guy get the acclaim he deserves, along with the J. Geils Band? These guys really rocked. Without a doubt, one of the few bands to sound as good if not better live than in the studio. That says alot. They survived decades, and put out incredibally origanal sound. If you ever saw them live, then you know they generally blew any other band on the venue away. It's too bad they never got the attention they deserved. Peter Wolf is still one of the greats, at least in my book. Sleepless is a great testament to his talent.