Soul Shot - Curtis Salgado

Soul Shot

Curtis Salgado

  • Genre: Blues
  • Release Date: 2012-04-10
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 11

  • ℗ 2012 Alligator Records


Title Artist Time
What You Gonna Do? Curtis Salgado 3:09
Love Comfort Zone Curtis Salgado 4:38
Gettin' to Know You Curtis Salgado 5:33
She Didn't Cut Me Loose Curtis Salgado 4:20
Nobody But You Curtis Salgado 3:38
Let Me Make Love to You Curtis Salgado 3:51
Love Man Curtis Salgado 3:12
He Played His Harmonica Curtis Salgado 4:29
Baby, Let Me Take You In My Ar Curtis Salgado 3:52
Strung Out Curtis Salgado 5:30
A Woman or the Blues Curtis Salgado 4:22


  • Curtis ala James Brown / OoooouuuEEE

    By All We Are Saying...
    I used to listen to Curtis & another fella named, what was it (?) h ya, Robert Cray. That was back in my Univ Oregon Duck school days. There was this funny duo; Jim & Dan who came by Taylors a few times & stole Curtis's look for a film called Animal House. Robert found the big times. & Curtis, well he had his fun but stayed in the PNW entertaining us... & doing his thing. I once had a wild conversation with Curtis. I came out of the 2nd floor lavatory in Seattle's FireHouse Bar. Curtis was sitting in the waiting area getting ready to take the stage. He told me he liked one of the ladies I was sitting with. So I invited him to join us during his set breaks, Dude Jumps up & starts doing the funky chicken & then busts out his James Brown moves... I sat wide-eyed thinking, this one's going to be a memory for a lifetime.... & there it is, my times of joy with Curtis. Love this album. It certainly complements his others well. Will have to see if he's recovered from his surgery & up & running again. Always love a good Salgado show. Heck, he might want to join me & my friends during the set breaks again... we're older & a whole lot better lookin' now... Ya... LOL
  • Wiggle Wow!

    By harvey0946
    I am a new fan! Wow! Wiggle Outta This is soulful blues. Thanks iTunes for bringing Curtis Salgado to the front.
  • This is what you should do !!!!!!!

    By Darkhorse65
    Buy this release you will not regret a minute of it and will enjoy it top to bottom. Strong relaease R&B/blues mix you will never go wrong.
  • Top of his game!

    By Zzagfreakk
    I've been a fan of Curtis Salgado for many years and this new album is his best work to date. Even better than the excellent " Wiggle out of this " which was my previous favorite. Soul Shot features 11 awesome songs 4 of which he wrote or co wrote. I HIGHLY recommend this album and it should be nominated for a Grammy !!!! See him live if you get a chance....
  • Soul Wins Again!!!

    By Anthony Thompson
    I've been listening to Curtis for years. This album is a token of his endurance and his heart for soul. I still think he has one of the great soul voices ever! His live performances take the roof off the house. I recently saw him at Jazz Alley and it was unbelievable. I don't think I will ever hear someone play the harp like that ever again. Many more Curtis!!
  • Stunningly Good....

    By mazoc
    In my opinion it is the best example of Salgado's work to date. fire from within with a deep understanding of where he fits and how he wants the material to be presented. His best work so far in a career that is just beginning in a lot of respects....
  • There he goes Again!

    By Yurn Blinztin
    Curtis is the apidomy of soul and smooth. And we have been waiting for this latest redition of his greatness. We are so lucky here in the Northwest to have a Soul Man with this much flavor. Although there is nothing like Seeing Curtis live, this album keeps me groovin down the road. I'm smiling now!
