Invisible Empires - Sara Groves

Invisible Empires

Sara Groves

  • Genre: Christian
  • Release Date: 2011-10-18
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 11

  • ℗ 2011 Sponge Records


Title Artist Time
Miracle Sara Groves 3:36
Obsolete Sara Groves 3:41
I'll Wait Sara Groves 3:51
Scientists In Japan Sara Groves 4:50
Open My Hands Sara Groves 3:15
Precious Again Sara Groves 3:57
Eyes On the Prize Sara Groves 4:42
Without Love Sara Groves 4:12
Right Now Sara Groves 0:47
Mystery Sara Groves 4:07
Finite Sara Groves 3:53


  • I echo all the other approving reviews.... so good!

    By KateSuffern
  • Humility + Anointing = Impact

    By Ucheunogu
    Since the first time I listened to Sara Groves on the radio till today, something has stayed the same in her music- The anointing. The bible says the anointing breaks the yoke. it is little wonder that so many people comment about how Sara's songs have healed their physical bodies, restored broken marriages and drawn people closer to God. I personally sobbed (which I don't do - ever) when I heard "When it was over". The industry may be going through a rough patch now but the message is now more relevant than ever. God has used, is using and will continue to use Sara and her wonderful husband Troy to bring healing and reconciliation to many. Excellent Album!
  • Her voice...

    By leftyindeed
    Sara Groves is one of the few "Christian Musicians" that moves my heart. I have alot of her music and her graceful voice always connects with my spirit. Very few artists I can play and listen too anytime anywhere and she is one of those for me. Forever grateful for her music.
  • Very encouraging work

    By Laura Childers
    Sincere and Hopeful. These songs are like psalms of faith, unafraid to acknowledge the enemies of fear, shame, guilt and brokenness encountered in daily life. Melodically and lyrically accessible. Sensitively and beautiful arranged musically--great for detoxing from the world and meditating on the Truth. With albums like this, Sara's sweet voice--pointing us once again to things not of this world--will continue to be heard.

    By PaulWR
    No other contemporary Christian singer-songwriter is so clear and concise in the messages they wish to convey with their music. This was true with Groves' first album and has remained consistent through this, her latest. The best advice I can give you when it comes to her music is LISTEN. She's always saying something and it's always inspired in the most divine way.

    By littlemessy101
    This album reconnected me to the faith world. truly inspiring. Each song touches you! :) Sara's voice is pure and beautifully. thank you!
  • Another Great Album

    By AndrewOKC
    Sara Groves continues to prove herself to be one of the most consistent songwriters working today, in any genre. These songs contain a depth of thinking and revelation that most songwriters can only dream of. Groves sees the state of our busy, virtual culture with striking clarity, and paves a way for us to look beyond these things into the deeper, invisible reality of God undergirding it all. This album is always genuine, always encouraging, always real. It's not the most surprising record I've heard, but that's only because Groves is so reliable to produce great albums.
  • Genuine. Easy to Listen to

    By MusicGal07
    I really like this new album from Sara. The opening song "Miracle" is pretty captivating, I would love to go see a show and hear her and just a piano on this song! Other faves are Open My Hands, and Eyes on the Prize. She's just such a genuine writer/artist, you know what she's singing about isn't just for the sake of writing a song; she means it. So poetic, melodic, and her voice is so easy to listen to. I really like the album images and art stuff too.
  • Beautiful. Powerful.

    By Frances Appel
    The vocals, lyrics, and overall feel of the first track 'Miracle' immediately drew me in, somehow uniting both ethereal and relational, mysterious and tangible. Sara is a brilliant storyteller. This record highlights that. From deeply honest, part-social-commentary, part introspective songs, like 'Obsolete' and 'Scientists in Japan,' to desperate cries for perseverance in justice on 'Eyes on the Prize' and pleas for renewal in seeing the beauty and importance of people, all people, in 'Precious,' this record takes the listener on a journey, dealing along the way with deep issues of the heart. I'm grateful for this record. It needs to be heard by as many people as possible.

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