Very original Vocals
By thebig15
LOVE her vocals
and her voice sort of does have a old-vibe
i'd buy it
THE BlkPnthyr of Queens NY
By BlkPnthyr01
Joss Stone is so Under rated, its ridiculous to say the Least, But i love, love, love her music so much, the whole sager is great, keep making music and stay true to The game...AWL
Tiene estilo
By Aberreen George
Tiene Style pero no es un tema top como acostumbra lady Joss a deleitarnos
By melo2263
Luv Joss Stone!!!
Love Joss Stone
By Love all types
Loves her!
Joss Stone never disappoints
By poko-poko
Joss Stone is amazing.. she never disappoints! As usual she manages to give strong, amazing vocals in this upbeat, feel-good song, and she manages to do it without making the song feel heavy. It's just beautiful and it'll definitely make you feel good!
If you're a fan of old school RnB/Soul music, or you just simply appreciate music that'll make you feel good, then you'll definitely enjoy this one!
By Michiganfan23
Wonderful! I love this song. Joss Stone has a very nice voice. I'm glad she has a new single. I'm looking forward to the album! Great Job!!!
By Arrested Wisdom
The best is yet to come! Cool beans! Joss Stone did it again!
Love Joss Stone
By Bluewaters53
Just Listen to Joss Stone once and you'll fall in love with her voice!! She's so Awesome!
Same ol same ol...
By MH19
Not great, despite her great voice this doesn't sound like anything she hasn't sung before. To wait this long for a new single from her and to get this, is disappointing. She needs to mix it up, new producers please?