Chiquitita - Single - Amaia Montero

Chiquitita - Single

Amaia Montero

  • Genre: Pop Latino
  • Release Date: 2010-11-30
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 2

  • ℗ 2010 Sony Music Entertainment España, S.L.


Title Artist Time
Chiquitita (Spanish Version) Amaia Montero 5:07
Chiquitita (English Version) Amaia Montero 5:04


  • Kudos for the effort

    By wombats
    It goes without saying that anybody trying to out-abba ABBA is going to get bloodied in the process given that their songs are so indelably engraved in our memories (well some of us at least!) and meeting that standard is going to be a tough challenge. While initially my thought was "why did she even bother?" the track is worth giving credit to and all in all I would say that if anybody can pull it off it would be Amaia. I'm still not convinced it was worth the effort but the end result is very credible, pleasant to listen to and better than a lot of other stuff out-there. 4 out of 5 for the effort, if not for originality.
  • Por fin!!!

    By Lexi&Dixie
    Me fascina Amaia!!! He estado esperando a que salga con algo propio desde que dejo a La Oreja de Van Gogh. Es una cantante e escritora fenomenal. La recomendio a todos los que no la han escuchado!
  • Felicidades Amaia!!!

    es dificil hacer cover de una cancion tan bonita y popular! pero lo hiciste muy bien!! Estoy orgulloso de ti!!

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