still awesome
By Lancerlax
I went looking for this album as a teenager. I only knew Zarathustra piece and that was only because of the classical use of it in 2001 A Space Odyssey. Taling with the record store (rememeber them?) I could only decribe it as "jazzy". Well he knew what I was looking for and home I went with what I felt was the coolest music I had ever heard. Future purchases included his piece with Flora Purim.
I long lost the album and the cd got scratched up so I am happy to have rediscovered this album on itunes. Brings me back to why I love jazz in the first place!
By lagerloef
These guys are polished. I have loved this album since i bought it at age 15 in '72. I never get tired of it.
Own both the vinyl and CD
By AT40 Fan
One of my first CD purchases. As great as the opening track is (Also Sprach Zarathustra). the next track is great too (Spirit of Summer). And his next album (Deodato 2) has an outstanding version of Rhapsody in Blue.
Seminal album
By Tarquin Fintim Limbim
This is the album that kick started my lifelong love of jazz. Creed Taylor had a superb group of musicians in his stable around 72-73 and they shine on both this and his next album Deodato 2
Great stuff
By Mike24315
I remember this well. Great songs!