Don't Give Up On Me - Single - Neal Carpenter

Don't Give Up On Me - Single

Neal Carpenter

  • Genre: Singer/Songwriter
  • Release Date: 2008-11-13
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 1

  • ℗ 2008 Neal Carpenter


Title Artist Time
Don't Give Up On Me Neal Carpenter 4:40


  • Changed my life

    By Walk01
    Neil played for our YoungLife camp at windy gap this summer. I got really close to him and his music. He is a great dude, and I wish he had more on iTunes, because I would but all of it. I have 2 of his albums on CD, but I think Neil has what it takes to make it. He has a great blend of a country sound and uses that to mix it with stories in his personal life. Great lyrics, great purpose, great dude. Make it big Neal, The boys in Charlotte NC are routing you on.
  • Booyah

    By jack chandler
    awesome song & artist. download it. peace.
  • Genuine

    By ChrisBusta
    Neal is an exceptional singer and his personality and life are as genuine as his music. I could listen to him all day!
  • Had to buy this one!

    After seeing Neal at The Bluebird Cafe in Nashville I found myself waking up two days later with this song in my head. Looking forward to more of his wonderfully crafted songs to be available.
  • A little bit about Neal...

    By matt610
    Some artists perform at you, while others some seem to invite hearers in, both to share their stories and to be a part of new ones. Whether you chalk it up to southern hospitality or his "know no stranger" personality, Neal Carpenter clearly falls into the latter group. Neal's music brings variation in arrangement and melody while retaining the heartfelt simplicities of soul and folk music. All the while, a creative depth and commitment to connectedness and full living runs throughout. This shouldn't come as a huge surprise- Carpenter grew up in South Carolina where exposure to both country and soul music is a given. With the sounds of Kenny Rogers, Merle Haggard, and The Judds combined with Sam Cooke and Aretha Franklin shaping his experience, it's no wonder Neal chooses to include story and heart in his lyrics. Carpenter names Patty Griffin as a major influence to his music as he seeks to glean the craft of packing complex emotion into the nuances of the way a song is sung, while also seeing her as a guide for character descriptions. Bill Withers, Tracy Chapman, David Wilcox, and Ryan Adams are also among the top Carpenter's list of influences for style and melodic arrangement. Carpenter's ability to create a reaction rather than commanding one most likely stems from a shift in his own life from a self-centered love of music to songwriting, which as he puts it, “involves learning that writing music is about you and everyone else.” Writing songs is fueled by his desire to give others the sensation of connectedness that comes from hearing a song and feeling like it must have been written for or about you. And in the end, the hope is that you walk away feeling challenged to see life differently. Neal started as many of us do, picking up a guitar with high school friends to play other people's songs. As his ability grew, so did his desire to continue to express himself musically. Throughout college, Neal considered the possibility of pursuing music as a career and after a few more years of nagging, that desire has finally won out. As he puts it “There is something incredibly exhilarating about singing the stream of your consciousness at the top of your lungs.” The result is heartfelt and relatable; an artist whose shows feel less like performances, and more like conversations.
  • Yes.

    By rhinestonepinecone
    NC's sounds always have a way of being startlingly pleasing to the ear. Something about his vocals gives freely without imposing or demanding strain from the listener. And that's an uncommon strength anymore.
  • The End of Measure

    By 8776ip
    Yesterday I opened and listened to a dusty copy of Neal's "the end of measure" and, against all of my expectations (I had never listened to it), it was pretty good. So now I am wondering why it's not on itunes and what is Neal doing these days?
  • Nealllll

    By Nathaniel Cunningham Patton
    Neal Carpenter rocks!
  • Talent

    By ccudzilo
    Everyone knows talent when they see/hear it. This guy has talent. The lyrics are beautiful, the music catchy and his voice unique and refreshing.
  • incredible!

    By kristinrochester
    My husband and i love it! Neal's voice has the depth and richness of an artist decades his senior.
