Tokyo Day Trip: Live EP - Pat Metheny

Tokyo Day Trip: Live EP

Pat Metheny

  • Genre: Jazz
  • Release Date: 2008-01-15
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 5

  • ℗ 2008 Nonesuch Records, Inc.


Title Artist Time
Tromsø (Live) Pat Metheny 9:42
Traveling Fast (Live) Pat Metheny 11:51
Inori (Live) Pat Metheny 6:01
Back Arm & Blackcharge (Live) Pat Metheny 6:32
The Night Becomes You (Live) Pat Metheny 6:16


  • Above and beyond..

    By patmethenyfan
    What a great addition to Day Trip! Pat's music would be worth downloading even if it were one song on the entire album. Fantastic music Pat !!!!
  • Pat Metheny is GENIUS

    By hornets8
    Another great Metheny album... can this guy do anything wrong?! I saw him live in Boston doing Day Trip material and it was great, he's just such an all-around talent. This is comparable or better than most of his other recordings. Hopefully this trio does more work together, I love the more acoustic sound. Metheny's great, this albums great, a must for any fan. It's amazing how versatile he is.
  • live = good

    By Jazz-o-matic
    dangit all, I just love Pat Metheny.
  • An Amazing Addition to the Day Trip Set

    By sugnasty
    These 5 songs are as diverse and creative as anything Metheny has produced. Just an amazing addition the the Day Trip trio collection.
  • Some Highlights...

    By Psalm32_7
    If you Love Methenys LIVE stuff and want the songs that will make the playlist. Download Back Arm & Traveling Fast. Fans of ScrapMetal & Roots of coincidence will dig BackArm for it's fusion fun. Traveling Fast is a great Straight ahead Metheny Jazz tune. The rest are acoustic ballads that fade on the senses compared to Is this America & Dreaming Tree. The Night... is the Best of these. Metheny is the Master...But, compared to his other LIVE tracks- only the tracks first mentioned make the Must have list...
  • A terrific addition

    By Blue Monk
    I can't remember Metheny ever releasing an EP, and this selection of "bonus" tracks tells me he should do it more often. "Traveling Fast" and "The Night Becomes You," seem to sound most like the strongest material on DAY TRIP, itself a fine album, but the other three songs are also very enjoyable. On "Tromso," Metheny plays some interesting lines on the guitar, melding different guitar sounds nicely as he has done on his group recordings (but this is not a PMG throwaway). "Inori" is another slow tune where all the bandmates contribute to delicious sonic texture. "Back Arm & Blackcharge" is the jamminest track here. The groove goes in and out, but is dug in deep. I envy those in Japan who got to see this performed live. Because some of these are a bit different from the DAY TRIP sessions, one might be scared away, but you shouldn't be. These aren't experiments gone awry, but an extension of what I hope continues to be a long working trio. The songs alternate between mellower to up tempo songs, but the collection holds together well on its own. Here's hopins we see more!
  • I'm Going to Tokyo!!

    By Bratty Cake
    You cannot quantify Pat Metheny as another jazz guitarist would be like saying Einstein was just another scientist. Both are geniuses in their own right. This piece shows off Metheny's versatility and experimentation, especially on "Back Arm & Blackcharge," which (to me) sounds like he's playing his guitar in a blender with some (African?) beats in the backdrop (I would love to see/hear him play this when he comes to town!!) which, like most of his music, is a headtrip in and of itself. If you're a fan, than this one needs to be in your collection, all of the songs are wonderfully crafted and sound awesome with headphones!!
