Hildegard Von Bingen: Spiritual Songs - Sequentia

Hildegard Von Bingen: Spiritual Songs


  • Genre: Classical
  • Release Date: 1985-01-01
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 14

  • ℗ 1989 BMG Music


Title Artist Time
O Quam Mirabilis Est (Antiphon Sequentia & Barbara Thornton 2:38
O Pulchrae Facies (De Virginib Sequentia & Barbara Thornton 3:56
O Virga Ac Diadema Purpurae Re Sequentia & Barbara Thornton 4:48
Instrumental piece Sequentia & Margriet Tindemans 1:53
O Clarissima Mater (De Sancta Sequentia & Barbara Thornton 8:04
Instrumental piece Sequentia & Margriet Tindemans 5:05
Spiritui Sancto Honor Sit (De Sequentia & Barbara Thornton 4:54
O Virtus Sapientiae (Antiphona Sequentia & Barbara Thornton 2:50
O Lucidissima Apostolorum Turb Sequentia & Barbara Thornton 6:43
Instrumental piece Sequentia & Margriet Tindemans 2:59
O Successores Fortissimi Leoni Sequentia & Barbara Thornton 2:09
O Vos, Felices Radices (De Pat Sequentia & Barbara Thornton 5:07
Instrumental piece Sequentia & Margriet Tindemans 5:20
Vos Flores, Rosarum (De Martyr Sequentia & Barbara Thornton 5:45


  • Extraordinarily beautiful

    By krystalbird
    Fine vocals, inspirational.
  • Timeless, peaceful and trasncendant music of the 12th century

    By cirqueman
    There's old school, then there's really old school. The composer of this work, Hidegard Von Bingen, was born in the very late 11th century and lived until the late 12th century. This music was written in the middle period of her life, around the middle 1100's. The use of instruments from that time (obviously duplicates of instruments of that period) lend an air of enchantment and atmosphere to the singing, which of course is mostly chanting. If you close your eyes or turn off the lights and light some candles when you listen to this, you can imagine being in a castle or monastery. This music speaks to an old part of our soul that seems to have slowly disappeared over time in our modern age. It's seems to connect us to the long ago past. I use this music if I have had a stressful day and need to forget the modern world. Hidegard Von Bingen was one of the most interesting women in history. At a time when every aspect of social and religious life was dominated by men, she stood out as a very advanced woman for her time, her music being very advanced. Von Bingen was the friend and confidant of popes, bishops, kings, etc. She was what we would call religious, yet she was also a mystic. She was also a very learned person with many talents. She has a fascinating background if you search her on the Internet.
