Old School - Koko Taylor
By Moogiebear
I'd been meaning to buy this for 2 years now. I just heard the sad, sad news that Koko has passed. I had the delight of seeing her perform live - at a local Festival in Broookfield IL of all places! I got to turn my young daughter on to the Blues - Old School. What a force of nature she was, what a singular talent - and so kind and gracious. We'll miss you Koko - thank you.
Holy Catfish!
By seadave
Wow! Indeed the emotion and the pipes of Koko are impossible to beat, and being the age she was when she recorded this (77? - she is actually older than her web site and bio state) her contribution is a fantastic tribute to the blues. However the band behind her is equally riveting – not overdone but also reflective of Koko's emotion and makes the music say something as opposed to just being notes. True, her guitar players do get more than their fair share of notes in, but they also make wonderful statements on each piece they play and back up Koko's emotion.
Clearly an album that was #1 on the blues charts prior to its release is one you want to have in your library!!
By bennerrun
I'm amazed that more people are not falmiler with Koko...Ms. Taylor is a combination of blues, soul, rock, funk, etc.....In my own words she ROCKS; she just BLOWS IT OUT; absouloutly the best! The queen of soul. Anybody who loves the blues will LOVE Ms. Taylor!!!
Old School is the real deal
By Bobby BlackHat
Koko sounds 30 years younger and this CD is simply awesome. This is the real deal ya'll. Blues at it's raw best. This is the kind of blues that hits you deep in the gut...powerful, passionate, and soulful. If you need your blues itch scratched, Old School will do the trick.
Koko rules
By The_Banshee_of_Bop
This woman can sing!
Great Album!
By Drumkey87
Koko still has it! This is a great album.
You go KoKo!
By icrail
I saw KoKo in the summer of 2006 at the RIchton Park Il." Blues and Bones fest" and I thought right there that" there's a women with a purpose in life. Plus this CD has definitely the Chicago Style of blues guitar slinging..." old school "
Love it! Love it! Love it!
By AzAlanisfan
I actually found this release by accident, and I'm sure glad that I did. It is fabulous. If you're a Koko Taylor fan, this is another MUST BUY.
gettin' older is better
By mrschteve
I first got turned onto Koko from some Blues complilation years ago. I have not bought a single album of her work since then. But tonight, on new music Tuesday, I stumble (thank you iTunes) on this release and I cannot contain myself. WOW. This is just an excellent example that as Blues singers age, they only get better. Life experience, effects of age on vocal cords....whatever it is....this collection is exceptional. LOVE IT! Thanks Koko. I"d kiss your hand if I had the chance. And then I'd kiss mine for buying this collection.