By Harvison
Can't help being a fan!!!
The Classic Robert Randolph CD
By J MacP
This CD captures the essence of Robert Randolph and The Family Band in a way I feel no other CD of theirs has. It has the energy, the musicianship, and Danyel Morgan playing some of the best bass ever. The first four tracks are, of course, all amazing. Squeeze and Good Times are some amazing instrumentals. Don't buy songs, just get the whole CD.
I Need More Love
By worminator
Buy this album and the rest of their albums even the live album. You will definately not be disappointed! Promise! If you dont like to jam and get down dont buy them! But if you do, buy them!!! Click yes if Robert Randolph and the Family Band are the greatest band of all time!! Keep rockin' RR!!!
Must See Live!
By jambandfan
Not only is all this music on this album absolutely incredible -- but if you have the chance to see them live -- you have to do it! Saw them last night at HOB in Dallas and they BLEW up the stage, RR has more charisma than almost anybody out there!! Awesome! Saw them last year with the Crowes too, incredible..
By Chazzman3177
This was actually the second cd I bought of this band and it was incredible. From beginning to end it is a great cd.
By mmsatte
saw this band live at the Fraze in Kettering Ohio. First time at a concert in many years. First time
seeing Roberts band and I was blown away with the sound of the band. The studio albums do no
justice to the live performance but it will do just fine till I see them live again. Thanks guys for creating
GREAT!!! music. Your newest fan. mmsatte
this is what it's all about
By jlane286
Now this is a great album. It's awesome to hear a group of talented musicians like these guys that know how to keep it real. They showed a sound that is all their own. The songs showed real depth and creativity. I look forward to seeing more from Robert Randolph & The Family Band. This album was "soul refreshing" to hear and I highly recommend it to anyone.
Simply Amazing
By pike123
I first saw them on the grammy's, and then live with o.a.r. and i was hooked, this is one of my favorite cds of all time!!!
By Dielonthug
Every song on here is good, but i especially like "Soul Refreshing." Makes me think of my honey, and how she "refreshes" my soul.
Great Album
By zfizzle
I have been a Robert Randolph for about a month and they quickly ascended to my top 5 favorite bands. They write good music and they are underrated I hope other people jump on the RR bandwagon.