By Sise
Grande Laura! Con questo album porta alcune delle più belle canzoni italiane nel mondo. Ascoltatela! W l'ITALIA. W T
Laura sei grande!
By puccarossa
Her voice is splendid and in it emerges the essence of the modern Italian culture. A poet singing sweet melody.
Where is the Italian Version of the full album?
By Rodolfo
Where is the Italian Version of the full album?
Laura E Grande..!
By iMileni
Mi piace la sua MUSICA e questo album (Io Canto) e buonisimo...!
By PietroGiovanni84
BEST!!! SHE always delivers GREAT Music. Her voice is worth every cents.
By Giarca
Forza, Laura! Questa musica e produzione è eccellente. Solo uno domanda - dov'è il versione italiano intero?
By Lino Ricardo
What ever happened to the italian version album released???
Another hit!
By PoWerLeSS04
Laura's first single from her new cd Yo Canto is a song that makes you feel good. Her voice is better than ever and the lyrics are great. She does a great job introducing songs from another era to the younger generations and around the world to people like myself who had never heard this song.
Io canto, Yo canto
By Giovanni.
She's done it again. She is such a great artist. When it come to her music you can tell that she puts so much pastion and effort into her lyrics that you could almost feel what she's singing about. It's great. Io canto is a beautiful song and a masterpeace just like all of her other music.
14 years - only pure emotions
By David_Serafini
it has been 14 years that I listen to Laura, each single song that she sang was just great a little pearl! a pure diamond,
She has the power to sing and go directly to mine and other milions of hearts. . . that want her to sing forever!
Ciao Laura! we love you