Absolutely beautiful
By Dodgecaravangirl
This is definitely if not one of my favorite albums of all time. Every single song is so heartfelt and has true meaning there are no “filler songs” and every single song has a good meaning this album was soo worth the wait I can relate to almost every song and it inspires me so much.
By paintingskylines
As someone who has loved Christina Perri since Jar of Hearts, her growth as an artist has been one of my favorite things. Lovestrong got me through so many rough times and I think this album will too, albeit in different ways. While I don't know if anything can live up to the magic of Lovestrong since it has so many nostalgic memories attached to it and the melodrama that went along perfectly with my teenage angst, this album has a healing element that her previous albums do not. Given the tragedies that Perri has gone through in the past few years, this album has her signature sadness but with a glimmer of hope and optimism seeping through every line.
This album is such a great progression from the melodramatic and angsty previous albums while still holding space for sadness and grief and big feelings. The album shows her growth perfectly with this line in Blue: "Each day I get better, well, that's what I believe."
Amazing voice
By tmac fan
By WalterrJamess
She’s just sooooooo good.
Simply Beautiful
By OHHS Grad
I know you don’t have time to read these Christine, but this album is simply beautiful. I liked Head or Heart and Lovestrong a lot when I stumbled on them. I was hoping for a full album like this from you. Here it is, and I love it. It is worth more than the $7.99 iTunes is charging in my opinion. I am a 63 year old father of 4 grown kids and I am probably not your target audience, but you hit a bullseye with me.
By amandax345
A beautiful album!!
she's baaaackkk
By kerriber
it's the way head or heart came exactly when i needed it and gave me what i needed emotionally and now a lighter shade of blue is doing the same thing again! all these years later! so proud and so happy for christina💙
By biggest CP fan
I really needed this album. Exactly what I wanted from her.
By Ricograzz
She is one of the most talented singer songwriters out there. She’s All heart.
Beautiful 😍
By tommirrorbal
My favorite album of all time!!!!