He just gets me
By suzesparklefun
How did someone make an album about my life? I don’t know. But he did. And it’s fantastic.
By MercButt
It’s got that great old timey feel with hilarious lyrics expressing how a lot of us feel about life in general.
You’re amazing good sir and I’ve been sharing your music amongst my friends, who have all enjoyed it as much as I have.
Refreshing & Candid
By hbesq.
I love the folk-song style and candid lyricism. Hilarity with a zest of undeniable truth. Download a track, you won't regret it.
By Gizmo716
I don’t want kids! A anthem for millennials. And my favorite is the Awkward this is my favorite album thus far of 2019. A hope for the Brixit. Stepping back to 1800’s to the naughty aut’s. Wilde keeps you whistling through the day. Keep it up mate can’t wait to hear the next one.
Hurrah Hurrah Hurrah!!