The best country album pretty much EVER
By Banana92692
I’m pretty picky when it comes to music and if I were to take a couple of albums to my grave it would probably be this and Sade’s love deluxe. I ain’t gonna lie this album is life-changing and amazing. I encourage anyone with half a sense of musical taste to give this album a try from top to bottom.
By Sanders12489
Crafted Album
By jbull1
This is one of the most well-thought out albums I own. Each song flows well into the next. This is what I think of as an album, not just a collection of songs released together.
😍😍 Singer/Songwriter 😍😍
By Missychon
Speaks to the heart, just how I like it.
True definition of a MAN
One of the Greatest Country Albums in the last 30 years
By Gummba
Classic Album and one of the best country albums ever. Thank God for JJ!
Thank You
By carliedanille
Awesome Album!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️