Only one listenable track.
By Building(the ding is silent)
Other than “She’s A Rainbow”, there’s nothing on this record of note. It’s mostly pedestrian garbage. It stunk when I was a kid, and it still stinks.
No one else did four stars,
By Might be human
I just want to be the one person who did.
The Brian Jones Show
By JimmyLee69
Lot of craziness going on with the Stones during this time !
You can hear lots of Brian performing on the album .
By redtelephone66
Ersatz Sgt. Pepper junk spend your money on "Aftermath".
My Favorite Stones Album
By benechew
Satanic Majesties is the one Stones album that gets the most negative reviews and I remember it being that way all the way back to 1967. For me the album creates a psychedelic outer space mood unlike any other album of it's time and it still does that for me today!
Her majesties request
By AppleAppConsumerReviewer
Once I came down from the mushrooms I didn’t like it as much
By ilovesusan
Honestly a 2/10 out of all the albums they made this one was to medieval to colorful and not as hard rock
Their Satanic Majesties Reqeuest
By Capitalism and Freedom
This is one of my personal favorite The Rolling Stones albums. This album has a great flow, track after track. Also, this album has great vocals, great drum solos, and great guitar solos as well. Finally, the instruments wrap around the vocals like no other, and intertwine perfectly. Definitely looking forward to the next limited play album, and extended play album from The Rolling Stones.