Quest is the Best
By myjeanjones
Probably (to me that is) the best of all the rest in this category of genre. The lyrics and music is unmatched. I love you guys. RIP Phife Dawg.
Thank You 4 Your service, ATCQ
By Henrold_
This is probably one of the most awesome albums ever, with songs like Dis Generation, and Black Spasmodic, this album drops great rap lines, accompanied by awesome melodies and beats. This album just... I smile whenever I listen to it.
By Yogamaster777888888
THis album is
By Moebaby3000
The last name you hear on this album is PHIFE DOG. A fitting and perfect way to pay tribute to him. THANK YOU for this album.
Making Hip Hop Brilliant again
By Joby_wan_kenobi
Hip hop got stupid, slow, empty and full of mindless BS--- thanks for bringing it back to life Tribe.
Blessed Assurance!!!
By Sandi871
Real Hip Hop is back!! ATCQ was and has been my ultimate #1 group of all time.. Love you guys for taking your time and putting together such a great album. This was worth the wait.. RIP Phife Dawg... you are greatly missed. Thank you ATCQ!!!!
Good Album
By JusDave
I really question the time of release. I guess putting out music when someone passes is automatic boost in sales?
Hall of Fame
By Big T Sound
This album solidify's ATCQ position as one of the top five hip hop groups of all time, I've been a fan since El Segundo and can't wait to travel to Cleavland for their induction.
By MileHigh_CDN
In an age of one hit wonders, its been a long time coming for an album worth buying and this one was worth every bit! LOVE IT!
Amazing, hip-hop album of the year!
By kkirkpatrick38
I never leave reviews, but this is the best Hip-hop album I've heard in several years!