Feels Good - Take 6

Feels Good

Take 6

  • Genre: Christian
  • Release Date: 2006-03-21
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 12

  • ℗ 2005 Take 6 Records


Title Artist Time
Come On Take 6 3:48
This Is Another Day Take 6 3:27
Feels Good Take 6 3:51
Wait for the Sunshine Take 6 3:48
Family of Love Take 6 3:54
More Than Ever Take 6 4:03
Set U Free Take 6 3:33
Vinterlude Take 6 0:31
Just In Time Take 6 3:46
Lamb of God Take 6 3:27
I'll Never Turn Back No More Take 6 1:27
You Can Make It - Go On Take 6 3:50


  • Good album...one GREAT song!!

    By hyperman585
    The whole CD is pretty good. It's probably my favorite Take 6 CD, but my absolute favorite song by Take 6 is track 5: Family of Love. The blend of their voices on that gives me chills every time I hear it. You owe it to yourself to at least buy the song, if not the whole CD.
  • Take Six has come home with "Feels Good!"

    By BuglerB
    I took powerhouse's advice and just bought the entire album on faith. What a fantastic recording. I am so glad to here Take Six at their best again. No corporate execs or "bean counters" telling them what will sell. Just singing great arrangements from their hearts. It is a lesson to all in the "business," quality only comes from heart felt devotion to your music. Take Six displays that, and the result is the best recording I own. Thanks for coming back home and showing everyone how it should be done.
  • Feels Good

    By dr.mo
    As a long time Take 6 fan (first saw them around '92) who also happens to be a music educator and "connosieur" of great choral music, I would unhesitatingly put Take 6 in the ranks of the greatest vocal ensembles of all time, regardless of genre. Gospel or R&B are too narrow a category to embrace their stature.. yes, that's sort of where they fit commercially, but their greatness transcends those labels. One could gather together ALL the great groups across all genres: the Kings' Singers, the Tallis Scholars, the Anonymous 4, the Golden Gate Quartet, Lambert, Hendricks & Ross, the Hi-Lo's.... etc.etc. and Take 6 rivals them all for musciality, intelligence, versatility, and soulfulness. This album shines with the same vitality and mastery as their wonderful debut album.
  • If you're a fan, this is a must have...

    By rdog28
    I think I own just about all of their stuff, so I guess this makes me a fan. I love this album. This album takes you back to their original roots which is definitely a good think. For a real flavor of what awesome 6 part harmony is supposed to sound like, download Lamb of God. By no means, am I a "B Banger" but this song sets them apart from the wannabes. I can't wait until their next installment. Perhaps another Christmas album? :)
  • Great Album

    By JoJosMusic
    I don't know what else to say other then this is a great album. Classic Take 6. It's a wonderful effort by Take 6. They need to keep up the great work!
  • Feels Good

    By J.L. McKenzie
    Take 6 has created another gospel CD that relaxes the mind and soothes the spirit.
  • I got chills

    By SJFaye
    I agree with the comment "back to their roots". I got chills as the opening notes took me back to the first two albums. I've had the pleasure of live performances over the career of this group and they've always impressed me. 'Mary' is STILL my favorite live performance! I am however irritated at too many reviews comparing Take 6 with Boys 2 Men (where are they now?) In my opinion and other 6 fans I've talked to, there is NO comparison. Mark, Joey, David, Cedric, Alvin and Claude, Thanks for another great effort.
  • Spectacular!

    By djesik07
    I had the opportunity to work with Mark Kibble at an honor jazz choir this year and it was the most amazing experience of my life! I was able to go to the Take 6 concert at the same convention as well! It was simply marvelous with no words that can explain their greatness. To top their amazing sound off, the people are all extraordinarily nice in this group! It is phenomenal!!! This album is one of my personal favorites mainly because of the extremely difficult harmonies that they pull off with ease! All in all, they ROCK!

    By giantsbran1227
    I had the privledge of seeing Take Six in New York at the "Blue Note". They were amazing and trulely captivate hearts with this album.
  • Back to the roots! The Take 6 we love is back!

    By johnquest
    Take 6 came to our school (Duke University) and performed several months ago, and I will never forget "Lamb of God." The harmonies and textures are unmatched by any acapella group in the known world. You got talent just beaming out from these guys, and they've been at it since the early 80s. Buy this entire album. You will not regret it.

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