Warning: file_get_contents(https://itunes.apple.com/lookup?id=719771966&entity=musicVideo&country=us): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden in /home/ingcstoresup007/public_html/ms/video_main.php on line 12
- - Video - INGC MusicStore

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  • Video Length: 0:00

Music Video


  • Empire Of The Sun

    By M5vic
    Great title for a group....especially with a song like Walking On A Dream....I can't find the right words to express experiencing this song. I might be exaggerating or it may seem I am not talking about a song. Anyway, I first heard this song on the new Honda commercial and when a song catches my ear it is a song I have to have. And like every song that catches my ear....the title and the group always surprise me. To finish..five stars..excellent song...makes me feel happy and stuff!!
  • Must buy Walking on a dream!

    By JennyLuv91
    This is a great song I first heard of Empire of the sun when I was listening to a station on pandora. This song was playing the video is great if you like empire of the sun you will live this song great vocals.
