Volví A Nacer

Carlos Vives

  • Genre: Latin
  • Release Date: 2013-01-31
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 5:03

Music Video


  • To buy or not to buy

    By Macdiaz
    Based on this clip? Not buying.... did not see anything worth buying.
  • Looooousy video clip

    By Miguel D Ortiz
    True. Agree with all here…It is nice to charge $1.99 for a video, but a preview should be a bit better than just throwing a cut that may or not be relevant to the rest of the video… iTunes, you can do better than this...
  • Can you give a negative star???

    By GriffinMil
    Jeezus! iTunes, you would have been better to show no clip at all.
  • Bad clip

    By Carlitoleone
    They could not pick the worst clip if they wanted to; bad clip, I have no idea if the song is Ok in this video, as it only shows the first 0 seconds of the video without the song. Lousy job per iTunes,
  • No music all pre-video

    By Stephen's Music Selection
    Honestly i-tunes, who is in charge of syncing the best clip for review and purchase. Money is being lost due to inadequate sound clips, management please review these videos prior to selecting the best 30 second preview. This is not the first video I have been disappointed with only due to video clip selection. If this process can be automated to capture the most active areas within the video, afterwards should always be screened as the best clip can generate a significant increase in overall revenue. I have purchased what I think is a substantial number of music videos, so please take this advice and feel free to send your appreciation through the form of iTunes credit. Although, honestly, just a email saying thanks would be great. Thank you for listening. Respectfully ~ Stephen

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