A cause de l'automne


  • Genre: French Pop
  • Release Date: 2012-12-07
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 3:56

Music Video


  • nice return

    By mr.Ithinkdifferently
    I with this song she return to her very beguinings I really liked the songs and the key of the succes is the rythym of her songs nice song I hope to see these single and the whole album in the itunes store
  • Amazing song!

    By Genasik
    I can't wait for the new album.
  • Oh Alizèe

    By @jean_claudexxx
    Well after what was UEDC she needed this she's been on the outs with French music due to the parting was with mylene it hasn't been the same. this is a great improvement ill buy whatever she puts out its just better to see her finally invest in what she's doing!! From the USA!!!!
  • American iTunes needs more of her work available

    By billmcamis
    The American version of iTunes needs to make all of Alizee's work available. If it is available on the French version of iTunes, why not on the American version also?
  • Great to see it in the American itunes

    By FedReserve
    Feels good to actually get to buy something she does. Hopefully her new cd will be in the store as well.
  • Lo más esperado para mi en este 2012

    By Castor_troit8
    Lo espere con muchas ansias y por fin ya lo tengo!
