Big Jet Plane

Angus & Julia Stone

  • Genre: Singer/Songwriter
  • Release Date: 2010-03-30
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 3:41

Music Video


  • Perfection

    By 1632memo
    This song its just amazing !!!!
  • "I wanna take her on a ride on a big jet plane..."

    By samca
    At first glance this video may look incredibly simplistic and boring. To people who are used to seeing nothing but rocking out and crazy dancing in music videos, this may not be mentally simulating for them, which is too bad. I keep watching this video over and over, analyzing every minor and major detail of it. From the name tag on the girl's uniform, the way she looks at the sky after throwing out the cardboard boxes, and how she lets the wind blow her face when she riding in the car. This is one video standing on the borderline of beauty and masterpiece. It is very sad to see how music videos don't seem to get much artistic credit these days, but this video is classic example of why they should.
  • Okkkkkk

    By Munchkinbell
    It was pretty good but kinda boring
  • Um ok......

    By peace peep
    It was well really just kinda plain and boring:( Well that's just my opinion.....
  • wht

    By daner455
    kk this is not a music vido it a store music ! lol
