Hotel Room Service


  • Genre: R&B/Soul
  • Release Date: 2009-08-10
  • Explicitness: explicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 4:28

Music Video


  • Horrible song

    By Applethauthe
    I never bought this: 1. It's so annoying 2. I don't wanna spend 2 bucks when I could buy two angry birds games for that(recommended) 4. You never realized I skipped 3 5. It's full of sex
  • I love Pitbull

    By Megjus45
    Meet me in a hotel room. u are so sexy pitbull. i love you
  • Hilarious!

    By Crazy_Wild_Ndn
    Love this song and vid is funny... yall need to loosen up act like something crawl up your a**.
  • Love the song love the video but...

    By Cocopuffs2000
    Great vid...But with all tha money Pitbull currently might have, dont u think he could spend some on a really good dentist n not on a 15 dola skank? ..::BenG::..
  • Ok

    By AWESOME 305956
    The only reason I think it's ok it's because when I see you with women I get I little jealous and I die a little inside.
  • Bit of a rip off.

    By exode94
    I wouldn't have much of a problem with this song if it didn't rip off "Rappers Delight" to bad society ran out original ideas.
  • Seriously??

    By NyJ3Mets
    What were you expecting from a song about sex?? Of course the video has nothing but sex in it. C'mon people if Pitbull was a chick and this song had half naked dudes no one would would be complaining
  • My poor eyes!!!!

    By ChaoticCatLady69
    Explicit. Dirty. Dirty. Dirty. Very Explicit!!!!!! Just buy the song please.
  • wow

    By MATt the critic
    i love your music but ur video just lost 1 fan...... cmon all the video was about were w*****. this is what happens when an artist has too much money
  • STUPID!!!

    By Kitchengurl
    all of his videos are about sex and women. it is wrong!

Videos from this artist
