Teenage Dirtbag


  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2000-07-17
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 4:06

Music Video


  • Awesome song

    By Jam3sJr
    I have a friend who looks almost identical to the lead singer, it is an awesome song i had to down load to show him
  • Wow

    By SEBKK
    I listened to this song with my BFF and I loved it!!! Great funny song! Buy it and you will be laughing the whole time. Very catchy as well :)
  • as good as it gets

    By Nick Weston
    this is one of the most clever songs I've heard in years, by now it's a classic. The story is wonderful...the last verse will kill you. Great production, this is an almost perfect piece.
  • Wheatus

    By Mitchyes
    The other day I heard teenage dirtbag. Wow I haven't heard these guys in a long time. It was awesome to hear them. I would really tell anyone to buy this song and jam out to it with a couple of friends. Really worth the dollar. =D
