Good but Bad
By Dragorchid
This kind of thing shouldn't happen too kids but making good sounding music was enjoyable to listen to. I also wanted to point out the child seat when she was driving was absolutely not safety compliant. (Boom, things just got real.)
By nexo4
Awesome song. But the first part of the music video was disturbing
Can you say creepy
By Awesomeness cool dude
I lasted about 2seconds into the video and am afraid to watch the rest I am not sure why though.
Thats just not right!
By Bondogirl
I love the band, I love the music and this song. I never saw the video untill now and I find that it is disturbing to say the least! I hope that this was edited for the sake of the child. If it wasnt it would have been very cruel to do this to him or any little kid!
By sejstone
Y'all no that it's a baby and it's gonna cry neway. 3 stars cuz a few years ago my dad made me listen to this song for 3 months straight but now I can't rly listen to it without a headache. If however this was my first time hearing ifid be deeply in love with it.
By antibodys
wow i like this video more than time to pretend it looked like rainbow puke my eyes hurt after that but anyway kids is one of my favorite songs
Maybe it's me
By JME says **** this
After watching this video I felt wrong for watching it. It reminds me of my childhood watching faces of death or staring into the sun. We are compelled to continue to watch the torturing of a young child over and over.
I didn't do my research but if this looks as if the kid had genuine reactions to what was around him.
I feel if anyone intently scared this child to make money they are wrong.
But then again I watched the video again and again to see this and eventually ended up really liking a song I would have normally passed over.
Thank you for traumatizing me a little further. Just when I thought I was numb.
Only one flaw
By Fryboy17
That quote at the beginning is actually not Mark Twain, but Knee-Chee.
By bleachsaren
now maybe its my LACK of compassion for children under the age of 15, but i didnt find this video disturbing at all. i LOVE the song and band. people just need to chill. if you want "disturbing", check out Daft Punk's Prime Time of Your Life. i dony find that disturbing either, but i could see why others do
By Delaney4242424242
I love this song sooooo much and it doesn't matter the baby is crying It is getting paid tons of money 4 doing this video.... So 4 all u concerned tree hugger stop getting your pannies in a bunch..... I love babies but in this music video the baby is perfectly fine and probaly is geting spoiled.....