No Woman, No Cry

Sean Kingston

  • Genre: Reggae
  • Release Date: 2007-07-31
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 3:44

Music Video


  • Hes Not Bob Marley

    By Golden Gecko5
    why is he singing Bob Marley's song Sean Kingston can never take over the almighty Bob Marely!
  • nothing like the real version

    By apple76821
    sean kingston should not have sung this song he made a bad version of this song my advice do not buy this he remixed this song
  • don`t go to his CONCERTS!

    By yo im jo
    we like him and his music but don`t go to his concerts
  • sell out to babylon

    By johnnyblue
    this guy is not worthy to speak Bob Marley's name, I and I feel he is a sell out to Babylon, he should not be singing this music.
  • Huh?

    By UWO CON Grad
    Whats up with this video? I love that it is live and everything but what about the song. I can't understand it. I LOVE his other songs like, BEAUTIFUL GIRLS, ME LOVE, AND TAKE U THERE, but this is not a fav.
  • No Sean, No sing

    By blahblahblahhhh
    Sean Kingston isn't too bad in this, but no one and i mean NO ONE can ever sing like Bob Marley. I hate when people copy his songs. Dont buy this, get the real one.
  • Adam Sandler

    By LYONS_G
    Do I have to say it?
  • uhhhh...

    By CYAttalla
    ummm... To sum it up: It suks

    By Dilan
    This song is an origianal of bob marley (of course we already no). The only good versions are with bob marley live or when bobs sings it with other musicians who have been throught the same struggle, not when some like 15 year old tries to make a tribute to him live (who nows were). sean kingston dont sing a song that you dont undersdtand or even know what the message is.
  • That guy is fat

    By Dj Sqweaky
    terrible and hes fat

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