Secret Ambition

Michael W. Smith

  • Genre: Christian
  • Release Date: 2007-01-31
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 6:04

Music Video


  • Life Changing

    By CheriK
    I love this song the video is Awesome. I watched this years ago with my best freind when I was just a kid after watching this vid she asked me to pray with her and she accepted Jesus that very day in my living room. She had been to church with me many times and listend to a lot of the songs I had but she said this video shows what he went thrue for us. Im now much older and I am getting this video to show my son. we cant make it out to a church due to car and health reasons but this video really shows the full truth of the sacrafice mad for us. My son is 9 and is ready to see the truth not just a cartoon or a kids bible story. Its importatn that songs show in a video what they mean and its powerfull to not only hear something but see it in detail with your eyes. I wish there were more videos like this. Veggy tales might be cute to some people but kids are growing up even faster now and I think at age 9 and 10 they need to see the truth not a cute little show all the time becuse they live in the real world see the real world. why not show them Jesus in the real the full history if they play games that show blood and fighting why not let them see the Bible is like that too its real. I think every youth group and loving parents should have there tweens and teens see this every age should see this. wonderfull powerfull video.
  • Secret Ambition

    By liftedmusicman
    Timeless message that is as powerful today as it was when it was released. Very simple concept but ever so powerful when you think about it.
  • I've seen it before

    By tissakay
    It's a great music video. On MWS' Bio on GMC, he admitted that he was goin thru a stage where he strayed away from God and started doing drugs (before his career). Thankfully he quit and got right with God...
  • <3(:

    By CTV8
    Great video!. They played this at my confirmation retreat and I love it!!.
  • Love it + question

    By danay405
    I love this video, my girls love it too! Whether he was on drugs or not is neither here nor there. The message gets across. Does anyone know what the name of the movie is that is shown in this video?
  • Secret Ambition Video

    By flowerchild87
    I have loved this video since I was a small child. I have it on a VHS tape but it's in bad shape and I found it on Youtube but it's in the same shape as mine. When I found it in here I was so thrilled! I love it and it has such a radical message not just in the video but in the song that shares the story! I am so thrilled that I found it! Thanks!
  • This is awesome!!!!

    By iPray2
    Guys, if you like Michael W. Smith, you should definately get this!
  • Sooo Manly

    By nard dawg
    I have learned more of what it means to be a man from this video than from most godly male influences in my life... The skinny arms... the vest that begs for mercy... and the hair that scarily enough is almost back in style. I love you Michael W. role model and dear friend.
  • Great!

    By Mrs. Beatlez
    He wus definetly not on drugs. this is a great vid! Good message and michael is wuz cute back then!!
  • This is great.

    By Dr.ManSirBillboard
    I love this video. How dare you people say that he was on drugs, he is compasionate. Goodness

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