This album is me (here’s a list of all my problems)
By MeowFlameKitty
“안녕하세요”! I feel like all of the TøP albums are me though, I have a lot of issues and insecurities so here’s a list, (because I need a therapist) My crush rejected me. This set me down my path of “I will never love again” he destroyed my heart. Thus: somebody stole my car radio and now I just sit in silence. I am very insecure. I am slightly narcissistic and I struggle with being insecure about my weight and my body, while not to mention my ADHD and symptoms of OCD. I have anger issues and I have broken 2 pairs of glasses due to me being mad.( my own glasses). I got bullied from 1st - 3rd grade and I have lots of rage stored up. I’m also an introvert, I hate socializing but I have a LOT to say. My friends are crazy. I have to be extremely responsible to “take care of” my friends they literally nicknamed me “mother” because I am the responsible one. Most of my friends also have ADHD but my being rejected by my crush made me depressed in some ways. I think I am superior. I think I’m better than everyone all the time.(I guess it could also be overconfidence) I don’t know why, I just think that all the time. It doesn’t help that I was one of the “smarter kids” in school, this produced modesty. But I was actually just average level. I excel in language arts and math but one time I had to retake a test, and I STILL got a horrible grade. Only music helps. Only music understands me. I love TøP, Imagine Dragons, Fall out boy, AJR, One Republic, and some Greenday songs. But only music can truly understand how I feel. Music is my mental shoulder to cry on, for a lot of people too I feel. Thanks for reading! I hope you made a connection and that you got some support in this :) I guess you gotta bleed to know, cause I feel like I don’t have a soul-MeowFlameKittyl-/ (btw am I the only one here that has the constant lyrics playing of “I scream you scream we all scream because we’re terrified, of what’s around the corner.”? Ahhhhhh I love Regional at Besttttt. Luckily for me I have Pandora so I don’t have to google the songs to listen to them, but on Pandora the album is radio play only, so I always get so excited when it comes on 😃 forest is the best bro, I also love slowtown. “I put my socks on my feet, to stop my soul from falling out through my toes” idk I forgot the lyrics 💀) 1 more thing, did anyone catch in ‘We Don’t Believe What’s on TV’ where it says, “I’ll sing you pretty sounds and we’ll make money selling your hair.” This shows the insecurity that this album stands for and represents in the lyrics. “I’ll sing YOU pretty sounds.” This means that Tyler (or the person this represents) doesn’t believe in their singing voice/musical career, thus “we’ll make money selling your hair.” Sorry for the long review 🥲🥲🥲