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Title Artist Time



    By Rebel_FlagRedneckTrump45
    i love cole swindell's smash hits "chillin' it"and "hope you get lonely tonight"though i think" boomerang" is better. Even though it's not your every day twangy country crap. It's actually alot better and he's very much like his friend who we all know, luke bryan,who he penned songs for.love u cole,keep makin' country pop happen,bro.
  • Keeps on getting better!

    By Rs04822
    For several years now, Cole has proved that he is an amazing songwriter. These songs continue to prove that he can sing his songs as good as he can write them! Amazing songwriter, singer, and performer. Sounds the same- if not better, in person as he does on the recorded tracks. He's as genuine as they come! Looking forward to many more albums to come!
  • This is awesome

    By Vino the Great bambino
    Cole is the man!
  • Boo

    By Tha Slam
  • Real Deal

    By g2video
    I’ve been a fan of this man since before his album came out last February. He has done so much in the past year I am so incredibly proud of him. He has instantly come to be in my top five favorite artists and his music and has helped me so much! He is such an inspiration and I cannot wait to see where he goes next!
  • Love him!!!

    By Mommieulberg
    I have loved cole since day one and love the new songs just as much!!! :)
  • Should be Headliner

    By Bonus Beer Bob
    This material is even better than the full length cd.. Saw the live show in Indy last week and Cole should be keeping the songs he has written for other to himself..
  • Awesome

    By Kp minion
    Great stuff!!! Can't wait to see him again!!
  • Dude, how do you wear those

    By buckdiddy39
    Pretty good music, but why the really skinny jeans and backwards hat. Dude, get a good album cover, and please don't wear that tight of jeans again.
  • Love it!

    By Real_Supergirl
    Cole is amazing, and I knew I was not going to be disappointed in this EP. Cole does not disappoint, and those of you who don't like the way country music sounds today..you can get over yourselves, country music ain't what it use to be. It's not a curtain singer/or band fault. They all are just trying to have fun and make money
