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Title Artist Time


  • Amazing masterpiece

    By SCumbers
    This album is sooo phenomenal!!! Love all the songs and Jack so delivers!!!
  • Not bad

    By The video game master
    The album itself is a hit or miss, but compared to any other album Jack has done in the past, whether it be solo or The White Stripes, this album stands out as "different". While every LP The White Stripes made was different from the other, they still stuck to there internal theme, rock. This is a little all over the place, making long time fans feel very out of place.
  • Nobody can beat Jack White

    By NavayaCat
    He is my favorite band just awesome I totally recommend this music best band ever Jack White is the soul of music these days!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😆😆😆😆😆
  • Underrated

    By Daplanksta
    Next best artist since forever. I hear a lot of similarities between his style and the Rolling Stones. I wouldn't hesitate to buy any of his work
  • Just what you’d expect from Jack

    By PaulyFresh
    I don’t usually write reviews for albums/music but after reading some of the negative reviews on this album (and Jack in general) something struck me. This is exactly what Jack wanted. After going through a bunch of reviews this morning I found that many bands have followers that can say nothing but great things about the band, whether or not the music is actually that good. In Jack’s case he seems to want to antagonize his listeners with change. Of course, those with linear tastes will hate that. Those of us who are not linear, love it. I love the variety that Jack has provided over the years. Is his ego a bit large? Maybe. Seeing him at Fenway Park last year it seemed he was pretty proud of himself but that’s OK with me. He is an innovator who doesn’t get enough credit. Today so many bands take the safe route, providing their fans with the same brand of music over and over again. Jack doesn’t care if you like him or not. He is going to do what he wants to do and that probably holds him back somewhat from the mega status other bands achieve. I say for those of us not looking for the canned, mass production music that dominates the scene…. please keep going against the grain and challenging our paradigms.
  • A Joy

    By birdwoman98226
    Just enjoy all his unique and profound musical ideologies...please continue and be you only. Thanks
  • His best and most complete album

    By BrianSwaldi
    This album stands as White's best and most complete album to date. All of the hallmark Jack White staples are here and some signs of maturity thrown in. There's still the stellar and often fuzzy guitar work. I love the garage/fuzzy guitars in most of his songs. He's still intense and raw - which is impressive. Not many artists stay as raw as they age. I really enjoy listening to Jack. It's a nice change of pace from the rest of what i listen to because noone else sounds like him. It's a nice change of pace, but it shouldn't be the standard. Jack is like Vegas, it's nice to visit, but you don't want it to be your permanent thing. He's also been throwing in more and more of a Folk/Americana sound into his music as he ages and matures - which is mostly a good thing. It's somehow both really good and annoying at the same time. Jack's best music was, and still is, his fuzzy and swampy songs. The only downside to this album is that his annoying tendencies are also still present along with his good qualities. I've always been sorta hot and cold with his vocals. Sometimes it works for him and sometimes not. He's got this shaky warble that sounds almost eerie like he's crazy goth and trying to put on a ghostly personna. I actually often picture his music as being halloween theme-music. He's the Tim Burton of music. He comes off like all of Tim Burton's characters. Frail with pale skin and dark wirey hair. Another annoying tendency of this album (and his past albums), is a tendency to have sometimes aimless lyrics. It can be really, at times, hard to focus and follow his seemingly random imagery. Though this album doesn't have a single weak track, it's still mostly just "pretty good" 3 star fare. There's no 5 star songs, two 4 star songs, nine 3 star songs, no 2 star songs and not a single throwaway.

    By nick_chil19
    love everything about this album. Jack white defines modern rock and has an amazing style of folk music cant stop listening to this.
  • Terrible.

    By The Hallowed
    Lazaretto is horrible. There really isn't any other way to describe it. Every time I hear the intro I feel like stabbing something through my ear drums. The other songs on the album are all right if you like his usual "artsy fartsy, I'm so cool no one understands me, Edward Scissorhands wannabe" style. But Lazaretto... I'll just put it this way; I hope Jack White perishes soon, John Lennon style (understand?), so I can leave a massive, steaming dump on his grave for making that song.
  • Magnificent

    By bbbbbb-rad
    I push play and listen to this album from start to finish. He is very under appreciated. Great album.
